XML Schema Documentation

Complex Type: DividendPayout

[Table of contents]

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name DividendPayout
Used by (from the same schema document) Complex Type BasketConstituent , Complex Type SingleUnderlyer
Abstract no
Documentation A type describing the dividend payout ratio associated with an equity underlyer. In certain cases the actual ratio is not known on trade inception, and only general conditions are then specified.
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]
<dividendPayoutRatio> xsd:decimal </dividendPayoutRatio> [1]

'Specifies the actual dividend payout ratio associated with the equity underlyer.'

<dividendPayoutConditions> xsd:string </dividendPayoutConditions> [1]

'Specifies the dividend payout conditions that will be applied in the case where the actual ratio is not known, typically because of regulatory or legal uncertainties.'

End Choice
<dividendPayment> PendingPayment </dividendPayment> [0..*]

'The next upcoming dividend payment or payments.'

Schema Component Representation
<xsd:complexType name="DividendPayout">
<xsd:element name="dividendPayoutRatio" type=" xsd:decimal "/>
<xsd:element name="dividendPayoutConditions" type=" xsd:string "/>
<xsd:element name="dividendPayment" type=" PendingPayment " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>