XML Schema Documentation

Complex Type: EquityMultipleExercise

[Table of contents]

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name EquityMultipleExercise
Used by (from the same schema document) Complex Type EquityAmericanExercise , Complex Type EquityBermudaExercise
Abstract no
Documentation A type for defining the multiple exercise provisions of an American or Bermuda style equity option.
XML Instance Representation
<integralMultipleExercise> PositiveDecimal </integralMultipleExercise> [0..1]

'When multiple exercise is applicable and this element is present it specifies that the number of options that can be exercised on a given exercise date must either be equal to the value of this element or be an integral multiple of it.'

<minimumNumberOfOptions> PositiveDecimal </minimumNumberOfOptions> [1]

'When multiple exercise is applicable this element specifies the minimum number of options that can be exercised on a given exercise date. If this element is not present then the minimum number is deemed to be 1. Its value can be a fractional number as a result of corporate actions.'

<maximumNumberOfOptions> PositiveDecimal </maximumNumberOfOptions> [1]

'When multiple exercise is applicable this element specifies the maximum number of options that can be exercised on a given exercise date. If this element is not present then the maximum number is deemed to be the same as the number of options. Its value can be a fractional number as a result of corporate actions.'

Schema Component Representation
<xsd:complexType name="EquityMultipleExercise">
<xsd:element name="integralMultipleExercise" type=" PositiveDecimal " minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="minimumNumberOfOptions" type=" PositiveDecimal "/>
<xsd:element name="maximumNumberOfOptions" type=" PositiveDecimal "/>