XML Schema Documentation

Complex Type: FloatingRateDefinition

[Table of contents]

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name FloatingRateDefinition
Used by (from the same schema document) Complex Type CalculationPeriod
Abstract no
Documentation A type defining parameters associated with a floating rate reset. This type forms part of the cashflows representation of a stream.
XML Instance Representation
<calculatedRate> xsd:decimal </calculatedRate> [0..1]

'The final calculated rate for a calculation period after any required averaging of rates A calculated rate of 5% would be represented as 0.05.'

<rateObservation> RateObservation </rateObservation> [0..*]

'The details of a particular rate observation, including the fixing date and observed rate. A list of rate observation elements may be ordered in the document by ascending adjusted fixing date. An FpML document containing an unordered list of rate observations is still regarded as a conformant document.'

<floatingRateMultiplier> xsd:decimal </floatingRateMultiplier> [0..1]

'A rate multiplier to apply to the floating rate. The multiplier can be a positive or negative decimal. This element should only be included if the multiplier is not equal to 1 (one).'

<spread> xsd:decimal </spread> [0..1]

'The ISDA Spread, if any, which applies for the calculation period. The spread is a per annum rate, expressed as a decimal. For purposes of determining a calculation period amount, if positive the spread will be added to the floating rate and if negative the spread will be subtracted from the floating rate. A positive 10 basis point (0.1%) spread would be represented as 0.001.'

<capRate> Strike </capRate> [0..*]

'The cap rate, if any, which applies to the floating rate for the calculation period. The cap rate (strike) is only required where the floating rate on a swap stream is capped at a certain strike level. The cap rate is assumed to be exclusive of any spread and is a per annum rate, expressed as a decimal. A cap rate of 5% would be represented as 0.05.'

<floorRate> Strike </floorRate> [0..*]

'The floor rate, if any, which applies to the floating rate for the calculation period. The floor rate (strike) is only required where the floating rate on a swap stream is floored at a certain strike level. The floor rate is assumed to be exclusive of any spread and is a per annum rate, expressed as a decimal. The floor rate of 5% would be represented as 0.05.'

Schema Component Representation
<xsd:complexType name="FloatingRateDefinition">
<xsd:element name="calculatedRate" type=" xsd:decimal " minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="rateObservation" type=" RateObservation " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element name="floatingRateMultiplier" type=" xsd:decimal " minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="spread" type=" xsd:decimal " minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="capRate" type=" Strike " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element name="floorRate" type=" Strike " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>