XML Schema Documentation

Complex Type: NotificationMessageHeader

[Table of contents]

Super-types: MessageHeader < NotificationMessageHeader (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name NotificationMessageHeader
Used by (from the same schema document) Complex Type NotificationMessage
Abstract no
Documentation A type that refines the generic message header to match the requirements of a NotificationMessage.
XML Instance Representation
<conversationId> ConversationId </conversationId> [0..1]

'The unique identifier (name) for the conversation (session), this message is within. A conversation identifier is usually assigned by the initiator of a conversation. Conversations may only be initiated and terminated. Joining conversations has the effect of initiating new conversations. Conversations cannot be split; this instead has the effect of parallel activities on the same conversation or the initiation of a new conversation. Each message belongs to only one conversation. Conversation scopes are defined in the business process definition.'

<messageId> MessageId </messageId> [1]

'A unique identifier (within its coding scheme) assigned to the message by its creating party.'

<inReplyTo> MessageId </inReplyTo> [0..1]

'A copy of the unique message identifier (within it own coding scheme) to which this message is responding.'

<sentBy> MessageAddress </sentBy> [1]

'The unique identifier (within its coding scheme) for the originator of a message instance.'

<sendTo> MessageAddress </sendTo> [0..*]

'A unique identifier (within its coding scheme) indicating an intended recipent of a message.'

<copyTo> MessageAddress </copyTo> [0..*]

'A unique identifier (within the specified coding scheme) giving the details of some party to whom a copy of this message will be sent for reference.'

<creationTimestamp> xsd:dateTime </creationTimestamp> [1]

'The date and time (on the source system) when this message instance was created.'

<expiryTimestamp> xsd:dateTime </expiryTimestamp> [0..1]

'The date and time (on the source system) when this message instance will be considered expired.'

<partyMessageInformation> PartyMessageInformation </partyMessageInformation> [0..*]

'Additional message information that may be provided by each involved party.'

<dsig:Signature> ... </dsig:Signature> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xsd:complexType name="NotificationMessageHeader">
<xsd:extension base=" MessageHeader ">
<xsd:element name="inReplyTo" type=" MessageId " minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:group ref=" MessageHeader.model "/>