XML Schema Documentation

Complex Type: DeprecatedEquityPaymentDates

[Table of contents]

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name DeprecatedEquityPaymentDates
Used by (from the same schema document) Complex Type DeprecatedEquityLegValuation
Abstract no
Documentation This type has been DEPRECATED. It will be removed in the next FpML major version. A type describing the equity payment dates of the swap.
XML Instance Representation
id=" xsd:ID [0..1]">
<equityPaymentDatesInterim> AdjustableOrRelativeDates </equityPaymentDatesInterim> [0..1]

'Specifies the interim payment dates of the swap. When defined in relation to a date specified somewhere else in the document (through the relativeDates component), this element will typically refer to the valuation dates and add a lag corresponding to the settlement cycle of the underlyer.'

<equityPaymentDateFinal> AdjustableOrRelativeDate </equityPaymentDateFinal> [1]

'Specifies the final payment date of the swap. When defined in relation to a date specified somewhere else in the document (through the relativeDate component), this element will typically refer to the final valuation date and add a lag corresponding to the settlement cycle of the underlyer.'

Schema Component Representation
<xsd:complexType name="DeprecatedEquityPaymentDates" deprecated="true" deprecatedReason="It has been made more generic as ReturnLegPaymentDates to cover return swap type products.">
<xsd:element name="equityPaymentDatesInterim" type=" AdjustableOrRelativeDates " minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="equityPaymentDateFinal" type=" AdjustableOrRelativeDate "/>
<xsd:attribute name="id" type=" xsd:ID "/>