XML Schema Documentation

Complex Type: WeightedPartialDerivative

[Table of contents]

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name WeightedPartialDerivative
Used by (from the same schema document) Complex Type DenominatorTerm
Abstract no
Documentation A partial derivative multiplied by a weighting factor.
XML Instance Representation
<partialDerivativeReference> PricingStructureReference </partialDerivativeReference> [1]

'A reference to a partial derivative defined in the ComputedDerivative.model, i.e. defined as part of this sensitivity definition.'

<weight> xsd:decimal </weight> [1]

'The weight factor to be applied to the partial derivative, e.g. 1 or -1, or some other scaling value.'

Schema Component Representation
<xsd:complexType name="WeightedPartialDerivative">
<xsd:element name="partialDerivativeReference" type=" PricingStructureReference "/>
<xsd:element name="weight" type=" xsd:decimal "/>