XML Schema Documentation

Complex Type: FxCashSettlement

[Table of contents]

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name FxCashSettlement
Abstract no
Documentation A type that is used for describing cash settlement of an option / non deliverable forward. It includes the currency to settle into together with the fixings required to calculate the currency amount.
XML Instance Representation
<settlementCurrency> Currency </settlementCurrency> [1]

'The currency in which a cash settlement for non-deliverable forward and non-deliverable options.'

<fixing> FxFixing </fixing> [1..*]

'Specifies the source for and timing of a fixing of an exchange rate. This is used in the agreement of non-deliverable forward trades as well as various types of FX OTC options that require observations against a particular rate.'

Schema Component Representation
<xsd:complexType name="FxCashSettlement">
<xsd:element name="settlementCurrency" type=" Currency "/>
<xsd:element name="fixing" type=" FxFixing " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>