element <referenceLevelEqualsZero> (local)
Content Model Diagram
XML Representation Summary
{ xsd:boolean }
Included in content model of elements (2):
If Reference Level Equals Zero is specified to be applicable then CPD means, for any day during the Calculation Period, (A) 1 if the Daily Precipitation for that day is greater than or equal to the CPD Reference Level or (B) zero if the the Daily Precipitation for that day is less than the CPD Reference Level. If Reference Level Equals Zero is specified not to be applicable then CPD means, for any day during the Calculation Period, (A) 1 if the Daily Precipitation for that day is greater than the CPD Reference Level or 0 if the Daily Precipitation for that day is less than or equal to the CPD Reference Level.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xsd:element name="referenceLevelEqualsZero" type="xsd:boolean"/>

XML schema documentation generated with DocFlex/XML 1.9.0 using DocFlex/XML XSDDoc 2.8.0 template set. All content model diagrams generated by Altova XMLSpy via DocFlex/XML XMLSpy Integration.