element <dividendConditions> (local)
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 20 elements |
Defined: |
XML Representation Summary |
<dividendConditions> |
Content: |
dividendReinvestment?, dividendEntitlement?, dividendAmount?, dividendPaymentDate?, ((dividendPeriodEffectiveDate?, dividendPeriodEndDate?) | dividendPeriod), extraOrdinaryDividends?, excessDividendAmount?, (currency | determinationMethod | currencyReference)?, dividendFxTriggerDate?, interestAccrualsMethod?, numberOfIndexUnits?, declaredCashDividendPercentage?, declaredCashEquivalentDividendPercentage?, nonCashDividendTreatment?, dividendComposition?, specialDividends? |
</dividendConditions> |
Content model elements (20):
Included in content model of elements (1):
Specifies the conditions governing the payment of the dividends to the receiver of the equity return. With the exception of the dividend payout ratio, which is defined for each of the underlying components.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)