element <floatingRateCalculation> (local)
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 1 attribute, 11 elements |
Defined: |
XML Representation Summary |
<floatingRateCalculation |
> |
Content: |
floatingRateIndex, indexTenor?, floatingRateMultiplierSchedule?, spreadSchedule*, rateTreatment?, capRateSchedule*, floorRateSchedule*, initialRate?, finalRateRounding?, averagingMethod?, negativeInterestRateTreatment? |
</floatingRateCalculation> |
Content model elements (11):
Included in content model of elements (1):
The floating rate index and tenor, with additional definitions relating to the calculation of floating rate amounts, including spread and multiplier. It is used for floating rate repos. For example, floating rate repos on European markets are made against EONIA.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)