XML Schema Documentation

Element: basket

[Table of contents]

  • This element can be used wherever the following element is referenced:
Name basket
Type Basket
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Defines the underlying asset when it is a basket.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
id=" xsd:ID [0..1]">
<openUnits> xsd:decimal </openUnits> [0..1]

'The number of units (index or securities) that constitute the underlyer of the swap. In the case of a basket swap, this element is used to reference both the number of basket units, and the number of each asset components of the basket when these are expressed in absolute terms.'

<basketConstituent> BasketConstituent </basketConstituent> [1..*]

'Describes each of the components of the basket.'

<basketDivisor> xsd:decimal </basketDivisor> [0..1]

'Specifies the basket divisor amount. This value is normally used to adjust the constituent weight for pricing or to adjust for dividends, or other corporate actions.'

Start Group: BasketIdentifier.model [0..1]

'Reuses the group that specifies a name and an identifier for a given basket.'

Start Choice [1]
<basketName> BasketName </basketName> [1]

'The name of the basket expressed as a free format string. FpML does not define usage rules for this element.'

<basketId> BasketId </basketId> [0..*]

'A CDS basket identifier'

<basketId> BasketId </basketId> [1..*]

'A CDS basket identifier'

End Choice
End Group: BasketIdentifier.model
<basketCurrency> Currency </basketCurrency> [0..1]

'Specifies the currency for this basket.'

element_bond element_cash element_convertibleBond element_deposit element_equity element_exchangeTradedFund element_future element_fxRate element_index element_loan element_mortgage element_mutualFund element_rateIndex element_simpleCreditDefaultSwap element_simpleFra element_simpleIrSwap
Schema Component Representation
<xsd:element name="basket" type=" Basket " substitutionGroup="underlyingAsset"/>