XML Schema Documentation

Complex Type: Calculation

[Table of contents]

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name Calculation
Used by (from the same schema document) Complex Type CalculationPeriodAmount
Abstract no
Documentation A type definining the parameters used in the calculation of fixed or floating calculation period amounts.
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]
<notionalSchedule> Notional </notionalSchedule> [1]

'The notional amount or notional amount schedule.'

<fxLinkedNotionalSchedule> FxLinkedNotionalSchedule </fxLinkedNotionalSchedule> [1]

'A notional amount schedule where each notional that applied to a calculation period is calculated with reference to a notional amount or notional amount schedule in a different currency by means of a spot currency exchange rate which is normally observed at the beginning of each period.'

End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<fixedRateSchedule> Schedule </fixedRateSchedule> [1]

'The fixed rate or fixed rate schedule expressed as explicit fixed rates and dates. In the case of a schedule, the step dates may be subject to adjustment in accordance with any adjustments specified in calculationPeriodDatesAdjustments.'

<rateCalculation> ... </rateCalculation> [1]

'This element is the head of a substitution group. It is substituted by the floatingRateCalculation element for standard Floating Rate legs, or the inflationRateCalculation element for inflation swaps.'

End Choice
<dayCountFraction> DayCountFraction </dayCountFraction> [1]

'The day count fraction.'

<discounting> Discounting </discounting> [0..1]

'The parameters specifying any discounting conventions that may apply. This element must only be included if discounting applies.'

<compoundingMethod> CompoundingMethodEnum </compoundingMethod> [0..1]

'If more that one calculation period contributes to a single payment amount this element specifies whether compounding is applicable, and if so, what compounding method is to be used. This element must only be included when more that one calculation period contributes to a single payment amount.'

Schema Component Representation
<xsd:complexType name="Calculation">
<xsd:element name="notionalSchedule" type=" Notional "/>
<xsd:element name="fxLinkedNotionalSchedule" type=" FxLinkedNotionalSchedule "/>
<xsd:element name="fixedRateSchedule" type=" Schedule "/>
<xsd:element ref=" rateCalculation "/>
<xsd:element name="dayCountFraction" type=" DayCountFraction "/>
<xsd:element name="discounting" type=" Discounting " minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="compoundingMethod" type=" CompoundingMethodEnum " minOccurs="0"/>