complexType "InterestAccrualsCompoundingMethod"
complex, 3 elements
definition of 1 element
Content Model Diagram
XML Representation Summary
(floatingRateCalculation | fixedRate), compoundingMethod?
Content Model Elements (3):
compoundingMethod (in interestAccrualsMethod),
fixedRate (defined in InterestAccrualsMethod complexType),
floatingRateCalculation (defined in InterestAccrualsMethod complexType)
All Direct / Indirect Based Elements (1):
Known Usage Locations
A type defining the way in which interests are accrued: the applicable rate (fixed or floating reference) and the compounding method.
Type Definition Detail
Type Derivation Tree
InterestAccrualsMethod (extension)
XML Source (w/o annotations (2); see within schema source)
<xsd:complexType name="InterestAccrualsCompoundingMethod">
<xsd:extension base="InterestAccrualsMethod">
<xsd:sequence minOccurs="0">
<xsd:element name="compoundingMethod" type="CompoundingMethodEnum"/>
Content Element Detail (all declarations; defined within this component only; 1/3)
CompoundingMethodEnum, simple content
If more that one calculation period contributes to a single payment amount this element specifies whether compounding is applicable, and if so, what compounding method is to be used. This element must only be included when more that one calculation period contributes to a single payment amount.
Simple Content
enumeration of xsd:token
Flat compounding. Compounding excludes the spread. Note that the first compounding period has it's interest calculated including any spread then subsequent periods compound this at a rate excluding the spread.
No compounding is to be applied.
Straight compounding. Compounding includes the spread.
Spread Exclusive compounding.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xsd:element name="compoundingMethod" type="CompoundingMethodEnum"/>

XML schema documentation generated with DocFlex/XML 1.8.6b2 using DocFlex/XML XSDDoc 2.5.1 template set. All content model diagrams generated by Altova XMLSpy via DocFlex/XML XMLSpy Integration.