Namespace: |
Content: |
complex, 7 elements |
Defined: |
globally in fpml-repo-5-8.xsd; see XML source |
Includes: |
definitions of 7 elements |
Used: |
at 1 location |
XML Representation Summary |
<...> |
</...> |
<xsd:element name="marginType" type="MarginTypeEnum"/>
<!--09-29-2014: SecWG: agreed to a choice of initialMarginRatio (renamed from marginFactor) and haircut-->
<!--11-10-2014: SecWG: agreed to grouping of "initialMarginRatio" and "marginRatioThreshold" -->
<!--11-24-2014: SecWG: reverted back the renaming "initialMarginRatio” from marginRatio. The currently agreed name of the element - marginRatio-->
<!--11-10-2014: SecWG: agreed to grouping of "haircutPercentage" and "haircutThreshold" -->
<!--09-29-2014: SecWG agreed agreed on the substance of this model, but model might be refined later own to give the control over the elements to the schema -->
<!--09-29-2014: SecWG agreed to remove container margin call details-->
Type: |
xsd:decimal, predefined, simple content |
Type: |
xsd:decimal, predefined, simple content |
Type: |
xsd:decimal, predefined, simple content |
Type: |
xsd:decimal, predefined, simple content |
Type: |
NonNegativeMoney, complex content |
Type: |
MarginTypeEnum, simple content |
enumeration of xsd:token
Enumeration: |
Type: |
NonNegativeMoney, complex content |
XML schema documentation generated with DocFlex/XML 1.9.0 using DocFlex/XML XSDDoc 2.8.0 template set. All content model diagrams generated by Altova XMLSpy via DocFlex/XML XMLSpy Integration.