2.1 FpML

FpML is designed based on a number of key principles and conventions. Some of these include:

Although these basic principles have consistently been observed, over the life of the specification there has been some evolution in the details, and as a result there have been some changes in the appearance of FpML. A number of these changes have been introduced to take advantage of the power created by XML schema. The original version of the FpML Architecture is located at FpML Architecture 1.0. The latest version of the FpML architecture principles is described in detail in the FpML Architecture 3.0. That document discusses how to create and extend FpML definitions.

The remainder of this section is intended to describe how the architecture principles were applied in developing FpML, and how to use the resulting spec. Please see the end of this section for a fuller explanation of the motivation for the FpML design approach.

2.2 Overview of FpML views

With FpML 5-3 , FpML has been divided into several very closely related schemas to better support different types of business processes. Each of these schemas, called a "view", has a distinct namespace and element and type definitions. However, each view is built from the same source schema, and so shares a number of features, such as element names.

The following features are the SAME across all views:

The following features are DIFFERENT in different views:

In FpML 5-3, the list of supported views includes:

The following diagram shows the relationship of some of these views for Dodd-Frank reporting:


The rationale for the concept of "views" is to provide a consistent representation of key information across many types of business process, while allowing the set of mandatory and optional data to vary between processes. For example, when a firm reporting on an interest rate swap it may not provide information such as: payment date and reset date definitions on the floating side, or the business day adjustments that were used, etc. However, all of these pieces of information are crucial for confirming that swap once it is traded. So for confirmation view we want these pieces of information to be mandatory, while they are optional for pre-trade view.

A present, the concept of views is implemented as follows:

In the reporting view, a firm reporting on an interest rate swap may provide the following elements:

Thus, the FpML for reporting on a 5-year USD-LIBOR-3M swap may look something as follows:

						<payerPartyReference href="hedge_global"/>
						<calculationPeriodDates id="floatingCalcPeriodDates">
										<!-- .... intermediate values removed -->
						<receiverPartyReference href="hedge_global"/>
								<!-- .... intermediate values removed -->

In confirmation view, a firm confirming a swap would include, in addition to the above, the following elements:

2.3 Overview of the organization of the master schema

FpML is divided into several sub-schema files, which organize the definitions into smaller and more maintainable building blocks. These building blocks include:

2.4 Overview of Document Types

An FpML document can be either of two categories:

The following documents give a general overview of what is covered in FpML Data Documents and FpML Messages:

2.5 Using FpML

Before beginning to use FpML, an architect must answer several questions:

If the application requires a new messaging layer, particularly if it will be used between institutions, the FpML messaging layer is recommended. If the application is primarily a data storage and retrieval application, the DataDocument type is available. For example, to store trades in an XML trade archive, and then retrieve them for a display or to generate, say, a confirmation, the DataDocument format will likely be sufficient. To implement a trade matching service between institutions, you should use the messaging layer.

2.6 The FpML root element


In FpML 5.0, there is a different root element for each different message or document type. For example, a message to request that a novation be confirmed begins "<requestNovationConfirmation> ...", while a Data Document begins "<dataDocument> ...". Each different root element defines a structure that corresponds to the business requirements of that message or document.

The following short example illustrates this, using a "Request Quote" message from the pre-trade view:

	xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.fpml.org/FpML-5-0/pretrade ../fpml-main-5-0.xsd">
    <messageId messageIdScheme="http://www.fpml.org/msg-id">123</messageId>
    <!-- details omitted -->

The simplest FpML document is a "DataDocument" (root='dataDocument'). This is similar to an FpML 3.0 document, and is described in the next section.

The FpML root element contains attributes that specify the FpML version (fpmlVersion='5-0' for FpML 5.0), the schema name and location, the namespace, and related properties. The "version" attribute from previous FpML versions has been renamed to "fpmlVersion" to provide an unambiguous indicator of the beginning of the FpML document that is not reliant on namespaces. Each different view has a different namespace. See the Architecture 2.1 specification for more details on this.

2.7 Annotations

Since version 4.3, the FpML Schema has included a set of eCore annotations. These annotations improve the existing model by providing additional information that W3C Schema is not able to represent.

2.7.1 eCore

eCore is part of the Eclipse Modelling Framework. This is the modelling technology Eclipse based on a subset of UML.

eCore annotations add back the model information missing from XML Schema, specifically:

  • The type of IDREFs
  • Canonical namespace prefix
  • Package names
  • Root documents

In terms of implementation, the FpML Schema root element includes these additional attributes:

  • the eCore namespace: xmlns:ecore="http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore"
  • the canonical namespace prefix: ecore:nsPrefix="fpml"
  • the package name: ecore:package="org.fpml"
  • the root element: ecore:documentRoot="FpML"

In addition, the ecore annotations specify the specific target of an href attribute:

<xsd:complexType name="AccountReference">
		<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">Reference to an account.</xsd:documentation>
	<xsd:attribute name="href" type="xsd:IDREF" use="required" ecore:reference="Account"/>

Benefits of eCore annotations include:

  • FpML controls the object oriented models built from FpML
  • The same OO model is shared, which is good for interoperability
  • Modelling use now work with FpML
  • Developers who can't unerstand XML Schema, can understand UML
  • The FpML Schema is still valid and XML Schema tools are unaffected

More details about eCore annotations are available at: http://www.eclipse.org/modeling/emf/docs/overviews/XMLSchemaToEcoreMapping.pdf

2.8 Main Components

There are a set of elements in FpML that are used across the different message types. These include elements such as trades, portfolios, events and parties.

2.8.1 The DataDocument type

As mentioned above, the structure of the FpML document depends on the "type" attribute. The simplest FpML document is a "DataDocument", which is similar to an FpML 3.0 document. The DataDocument is used to represent static data. A DataDocument looks like this:


It contains:

  • Optional validation rules identification
  • A trade or trades
  • A portfolio or portfolios. Portfolios contain only trade references, if the trades themselves need to be included in the document then the trades can be included within the root element.
  • An event or events
  • A party or parties

Since the introduction of event in FpML 4.1, the content of "DataDocument" was constraint using "xsd:choice" to reduce the number of permutations between the different elements.

2.8.2 The Trade Component

The trade is typically a top-level component within an FpML root element. A trade is an agreement between two parties to enter into a financial contract and the trade component in FpML contains the information necessary to execute and confirm that trade. The trade includes a trade header, economic details (enhanced from version 5.2 to allow non-OTC products to be represented), and other legal, operational, and documentation terms.

schemaDocumentation/schemas/fpml-doc-5-3_xsd/complexTypes/Trade.png tradeHeader

The information within tradeHeader is common across all types of trade regardless of product. In FpML 5.3 this element contains the trade date and party trade identifiers, as well as party-specific trade information.

schemaDocumentation/schemas/fpml-doc-5-3_xsd/complexTypes/TradeHeader.png Primary Trade Identifier

In FpML, there is no notion of primary trade or contract identifier. Trade identification is meaningful within the context of a party. That’s why the partyTradeIdentifier structure contains a partyReference element referencing a party. Within the structure, multiple tradeId or versionedTradeId elements can be specified. This is useful for allowing organizations with multiple systems, each one of them generating one or multiple trade identifiers, to be able to record that in the FpML message. Each system is identified by a unique value in the tradeIdScheme attribute.


	<partyReference href="INVM1"/>
		<tradetId contractIdScheme="http://www.investmentmgm.com/coding-scheme/trade-id">CDI290204</tradetId>
        		<tradeId tradeIdScheme=”valuation-system/trade-id”>VS3456332</tradeId>

In order to be able to process trade identification information, in absense of a central system, participants should decide on how to store the identification information of the trade:

  • Recipients may choose to process all trade identifers and sources sent in a message and their relationship so in subsequent messages, the sender may send only one of the previous identifiers and the recipient may still be able to identify the trade.
  • Recipients may choose to process a single trade identifier. In that case, participants must agree which system source is relevant, and ignore the others. Participants must exchange the tradeIdScheme values that are going to be relevant for processing. In the example above, the recipient may keep the trade id of ‘http://www.investmentmgm.com/coding-scheme/trade-id’ and ignore the other trade id. Trade Information

FpML allows a number of pieces of additional information to be recorded about how the trade was executed and for what purposes. This is contained in tradeInformation. The specifics of this type may alter depending on the view.

schemaDocumentation/schemas/fpml-doc-5-3_xsd/complexTypes/TradeInformation.png product

Product is an abstract concept in FpML and an actual product element is not used. Instead, one of the FpML products will appear directly under trade. From version 5.2, instead of an OTC product it is possible to represent the basic details of a trade of a multiply-traded instrument such as a security; this is provided to allow reporting on non-OTC trades that result from OTC trading activity, for example physical settlements of OTC options on securities.

All FpML products inherit two optional elements from the Product type: productType and productId. Product Identification

In order to identify the type of product contained within an FpML message, the Standards Committee encourages the use of structural analysis. Structural analysis is based on checking the presence of some specific elements within the message instead of relying on the value of a specific element such as productType.

The presence of some specific elements helps to define the product category of the transaction that is being sent. For example, the presence of the creditDefaultSwap and referenceInformation elements in a message is critical to categorize the product as single name credit default swap.

Product categorization using only the productType element value should be avoided. It should only be used by internal messaging implementations or by service providers. In both cases the code list is well-controlled and commonly understood by all participants.

2.8.3 The Party Component

The party component holds information about a party in involved any of the trades or portfolios included in the document. Parties can perform multiple roles in a trade lifecycle. For example, the principal parties obligated to make payments from time to time during the term of the trade, but may include other parties involved in, or incidental to, the trade, such as parties acting in the role of novation transferor/transferee, broker, calculation agent, etc. In FpML roles are defined in multiple places within a document.

It should be noted that an FpML document is not 'written' from the perspective of one particular party, i.e. it is symmetrical with respect to the principal parties. The particular role that a party plays in the trade, e.g. buyer, seller, stream payer/receiver, fee payer/receiver, is modeled via the use of references from the component where the role is identified (relatedParty structure) to the party component.


This is a description of the elements:

  • partyId: A party identifier, e.g. a S.W.I.F.T. bank identifier code (BIC).
  • partyName: The name of the party. A free format string. FpML does not define usage rules for this element.


	<party id="SKY">
		<partyId partyIdScheme="http://www.sky.org/coding-schem/code-id">SkyLTD</partyId>
		<partyName>Sky Limited</partyName>

2.8.4 The Product Component

The product component specifies the financial instrument being traded. This component captures the economic details of the trade. It is modeled as a substitution group; each asset class may create one or more product definitions. Some examples of products that different working groups have defined include:

  • Interest rate swaps
  • FRAs
  • caps/floors
  • swaptions
  • FX spot/forwards
  • FX swaps
  • FX options
  • Equity options
  • Equity swaps
  • Equity forwards
  • Commodity swaps
  • Commodity options
  • Correlation swap
  • Credit default swaps
  • Dividend swap
  • Variance swap
  • Variance option

This section provides some additional background on the design of FpML.

2.9.1 Rationale for Structured Approach

FpML incorporates a significant level of structure, rather than being a 'flat' representation of data. This structuring is achieved through the grouping of related elements describing particular features of a trade into components. Components can both contain, and be contained by, other components.

An alternative approach would have been to collect all the required elements in a single large component representing a product or trade. A flat structure of this kind would capture all the relevant information concisely but would also constrain the model in two important respects, namely, ease of implementation and extensibility.

Grouping related elements into components makes it easier to validate that the model is correct, that it is complete and that it doesn't contain redundancy. This is true, both from the perspective of readability to the human eye, and also from the perspective of processing services. Processing services that do not need all the information in a trade definition can isolate components and be sure that the complete set of elements required, and only the elements required, is available for the particular process in hand.

Components additionally serve as the building blocks for a flexible and extensible model. Generally speaking, the complexity of financial products is a result of combining a few simple ideas in a variety of different ways. The component structure supports a trade content definition that is flexible enough to represent the wide variation of features found in traded financial instruments.

It should be noted that the application of the guiding principles of extensibility and ease of use has resulted in a different approach with regard to the forward rate agreement. Because this product is straightforward, commoditized and unlikely to develop further, the advantage to be gained from the extensive use of components is outweighed by the concision of a single component.

2.9.2 Component Framework

The optimum level of granularity is important to FpML. FpML separates the elements which collectively describe a feature of a product or trade into a separate component with each component serving a particular semantic purpose. Every grouping of elements in FpML is regarded as a component and each component is regarded as a container for the elements that describe that component. In the majority of cases each component will contain a mixture of other components and primitive elements, e.g. a date or string, that collectively describe the features of the component. Components are typically represented in the FpML schema as Complex Types.

Generally speaking, the lower level a component is, the more re-usable it will be. FpML makes use of a number of primitive entity components that describe the basic building blocks of financial products, for example, FpML_Money, FpML_AdjustableDate, FpML_BusinessCenters, FpML_Interval, FpML_BusinessDayAdjustments etc. These primitive components are re-used in different business contexts.

Primitive components are contained in higher level components that describe the features of particular products. For this reason these higher level components will tend not to be re-usable to the same extent. Examples within the definition of swapStream are the components required to construct schedules of dates such as calculationPeriodDates, resetDates and paymentDates. However, it should not be inferred from this that any fundamental distinction is drawn between components in usage or structure.

2.9.3 Coding Schemes

A necessary feature of a portable data standard is both an agreed set of elements and an agreed set of permissible values (the value domain) for those elements. An FpML document exchanged between two parties would not be mutually understandable if either or both of the parties used internal or proprietary coding schemes to populate elements. For FpML 4.0 the handling of coding schemes was changed from previous versions of FpML, with the introduction of the use of enumerations and the elimination of scheme default attributes from the FpML root element. The following description refers to the updated approach.

One possible means of identifying value domains is to include the domain of permitted values within the schema, using an XML Schema enumeration structure. This mechanism was adopted in FpML 4.0 for element values that satisfy the following criteria:

  • The list of allowable values is relatively short.
  • The list of allowable values is not expected to change during the lifetime of the specification
  • It's not possible to change the list of allowable values without affecting the meaning of the specification.

This leave a number of lists of values not meeting the above criteria that are represented by "schemes". "Schemes" are lists of values that can be changed dynamically without affecting the schema. They include items such as currency codes, party identifiers, business calendar locations, floating rate indexes, etc. For these data elements, the "scheme" is a URI, as identified in an FpML attribute, that designates the universe of acceptable values the element may take. This scheme definition list is typically encoded as an XML document, but does not in general need to be. In cases where the ISDA wishes to designate a default scheme, this is recorded as a default attribute value in the schema. In other cases, the scheme attribute is required.

For further details on the architectural framework behind Schemes, refer to the FpML Architecture Version 1.0 and Version 2.0 documents.

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