All Element Summary |
The accrual amount over the defined period.
A unique id associated with the loan accrual type.
accrualSchedule (defined in AccruingFeePayment complexType) |
A schedule that incorporates all sub-periods of an accrual calculation.
accrualSchedule (defined in AccruingPikPayment complexType) |
A schedule that incorporates all sub-periods of an accrual calculation.
accrualSchedule (defined in InterestCapitalization complexType) |
A schedule that incorporates all sub-periods of an accrual calculation.
accrualSchedule (defined in InterestPayment complexType) |
A schedule that incorporates all sub-periods of an accrual calculation.
A schedule that incorporates all sub-periods of an accrual calculation.
Head of the substitution group for all facility events.
accruingFeeOption (defined in FacilityOptionsFeesAndRates.model group) |
A description of all the different types of accruing fees which apply to the facility.
Defines new rate and the date on which the rate is no longer valid.
accruingPikOption (defined in AccruingPikOptionChange complexType) |
The latest version of the acccruing PIK option.
accruingPikOption (defined in FacilityOptionsFeesAndRates.model group) |
A loan contract PIK accrual option.
adjustment (defined in CommitmentAdjustment complexType) |
Defines the type of adjustment applied - increase or decrease.
adjustment (in adjustment) |
Defines the type of adjustment applied - increase or decrease.
The total remaining commitment amount (in facility currency), once the adjustnment has been applied.
adjustment (in lcAdjustment) |
Defines the type of adjustment applied - increase or decrease.
Defines the type of adjustment applied - increase or decrease.
agentPartyReference (defined in BusinessEventParties.model group) |
A reference to the agent bank for the associated deal.
agentPartyReference (defined in FacilityRoles.model group) |
A party reference to the agent bank.
agentPartyReference (in deal) |
A party reference to the agent bank associated with the deal.
The actual percentage rate charged to the borrower.
The actual percentage rate charged to the borrower.
allInRateLimits (defined in FixedRateOption complexType) |
allInRateLimits (defined in FloatingRateOption complexType) |
amount (defined in AccruingFeePayment complexType) |
amount (defined in AccruingPikPayment complexType) |
amount (defined in Adjustment complexType) |
amount (defined in InterestCapitalization complexType) |
amount (defined in InterestPayment complexType) |
amount (defined in LetterOfCreditSummary complexType) |
The letter of credit notional amount.
amount (defined in LoanContractSummary complexType) |
amount (defined in NonRecurringFeePayment complexType) |
amount (in adjustment) |
amount (in assignmentFee) |
The amount payable to the agent for re-assigning a share in one of the underlying facilities within the deal.
amount (in lcAdjustment) |
The letter of credit amount after the adjustment has been applied.
amount (in lcIssuance) |
The letter of credit notional amount.
The global and share amounts against the associated instrument.
amount (in taxWithholding) |
The amount of withholding tax being applied.
The assignment fee amount and rules.
The actual underlying base rate associated with the period, defined as a percentage.
beneficiaryPartyReference (defined in LetterOfCreditRoles.model group) |
A party reference of the beneficiary.
Defines whether the repayment is mandatory from the borrower's perspective, based on the (amortization) schedule on the credit agreement.
borrowerPartyReference (defined in BusinessEventParties.model group) |
A reference to the main borrower associated with the specific business event.
borrowerPartyReference (defined in FacilityRoles.model group) |
A party reference to the (main) borrower.
borrowerPartyReference (defined in FixedRateOption complexType) |
A party reference to the borrower(s) permitted to exercise the cash accrual option.
borrowerPartyReference (defined in FloatingRateOption complexType) |
A party reference to the borrower(s) permitted to exercise the cash accrual option.
borrowerPartyReference (defined in LetterOfCreditRoles.model group) |
Main borrower.
borrowerPartyReference (defined in LoanContractSummary complexType) |
A reference to the borrower against a loan contract.
Where breakage cost is applicable, this enumeration defines who is calculating it - agent bank or lender.
The date by which any breakage costs (if applicable) must be submitted by Lenders to the Agent.
businessEventGroupId (defined in LoanEvent complexType) |
An identifier used to group related business events together.
An identifier used to group related business events together.
An identifier used to group related business events together.
A freetext field which allows the sender to add further details around the business event.
calculationMethod (defined in InterestCapitalization complexType) |
Defines the way in which the agent bank is allocating cash/PIK interest - can be (i) pro-rata at the time of the interest payment/PIK or (ii) based on the loan contract share throughout the interest period (which is the preferred method).
calculationMethod (defined in InterestPayment complexType) |
Defines whether the agent bank is making an interest payment based on the lender pro-rata share at the end of the period (snapshot) or based on the lender position throughout the period (which is the default).
capRate (defined in RateLimits complexType) |
The rate cap being applied.
Defines the overall net cash payable, as well as, the breakdown of individual cashflows.
Party references to co-borrowers as listed on the credit agreement.
A freetext field which allows the sender to add further details around the business event.
comments (defined in SyndicatedLoanStatement complexType) |
A free-form, manually entered field which will be used by users directly for additional information.
The global and share amount of principal commitment.
The date on which a facility increase/decrease has/will occur.
commitmentSchedule (defined in CommitmentAdjustment complexType) |
The amortization schedule associated with the facility commitment.
commitmentSchedule (defined in FacilityCommitment.model group) |
The commitment schedule associated with the facility.
An enumeration which describes whether the condition precent have been met, not met or been waived.
contract (defined in LoanContractDetails.model group) |
A deal summary structure.
A facility summary structure.
creditAgreementDate (in deal) |
The credit agreement date is also known as the 'closing date' (the date on which the agreement was signed).
currency (defined in FixedRateOption complexType) |
currency (defined in FloatingRateOption complexType) |
Deal denomination currency.
The currency in which the letter of credit accrual is denominated.
The current global/lender share commitment amount.
A list of all contracts whose rates are resetting or contracts that are initiating as part of the rollover event.
A list of all contracts whose rates are resetting or contracts that are initiating as part of the rollover event.
Current deal amount.
The new loan contract maturity date.
date (in commitmentChange) |
The date on which a facility increase/decrease has/will occur.
dayCountFraction (defined in AccrualOptionBase complexType) |
The day count basis for the accrual.
A complete deal structure.
Defines the exchange rate between the facility and deal denomination currencies (only required if the currencies are different).
This represents a default rate that may apply in addition to a regular margin rate (on outstanding loan contracts).
The default spread currently applied to the interest rate period.
The default spread currently applied to the interest rate period.
A revolver facility.
delayedDraw (in delayedDraw) |
A flag to determine whether the Term Loan has a delayed draw feature.
description (defined in BusinessEventGroupIdentifier complexType) |
A short description of the combination of business events that make up the event group.
List of currencies in which the borrower(s) may draw funds.
drawdownNoticeDays (defined in FixedRateOption complexType) |
The number of business days that a lender must be notified prior to a drawdown event occurring.
drawdownNoticeDays (defined in FloatingRateOption complexType) |
The number of business days that a lender must be notified prior to a drawdown event occurring.
effectiveDate (defined in LetterOfCreditSummary complexType) |
Effective date of the letter of credit.
effectiveDate (defined in LoanContractSummary complexType) |
The effective date of the loan contract.
effectiveDate (defined in LoanEvent complexType) |
The date on which the associated business event is effective.
endDate (defined in PeriodOptionalEnd.model group) |
Date on which this period ends.
eventIdentifier (defined in AbstractEventRequireId complexType) |
A collection of referenced business events being cancelled/retracted.
A collection of referenced business events being cancelled/retracted.
A collection of referenced business events being cancelled/retracted.
A collection of referenced business events being cancelled/retracted.
A collection of referenced business events being cancelled/retracted.
A collection of referenced business events being cancelled/retracted.
A collection of referenced business events being cancelled/retracted.
A collection of referenced business events being cancelled/retracted.
A collection of referenced business events being cancelled/retracted.
An option allowing the borrower to extend the letter of credit tenor.
expiry (in lcTermination) |
Determines whether this event was created due to a natural expiration of the letter of credit or an unscheduled cancellation.
expiryDate (defined in FacilityDates.model group) |
The latest date that a drawdown can be made effective against the facility.
expiryDate (defined in LetterOfCredit complexType) |
Expiry date of the letter of credit.
The number of calendar days defining the extension period.
The global/lender commitment amount stated AFTER a commitment adjustment has taken place.
Head of the substitution group for all facility events.
Head of the substitution group for all facility fee payment events.
facilityFxRate (defined in LetterOfCredit complexType) |
Defines exchange rate between the letter of credit and facility.
facilityFxRate (defined in LoanContract complexType) |
Defines a single (current) FX rate used to calculate utilization in the facility currency.
Defines exchange rate between the letter of credit and facility.
Defines a single (current) FX rate used to calculate utilization in the facility currency.
Head of the substitution group for all facility types.
facilityIdentifier (defined in FacilityDetails.model group) |
A deal summary structure.
The facility to which the loan contracts and/or letter of credits belong.
facilityOutstandingsPosition (defined in AbstractContractNotification complexType) |
Commitment and outstanding position details for a single facility.
facilityPosition (defined in AbstractFacilityNotification complexType) |
Commitment position details for a single facility.
Head of the substitution group for all facility rate update events.
facilityReference (defined in FacilityContractEvent complexType) |
facilityReference (defined in FacilityContractIdentifier complexType) |
facilityReference (defined in FacilityEvent complexType) |
facilityReference (defined in FacilityPosition complexType) |
A unique facility identifier.
A facility summary structure.
feature (defined in FacilityFeatures.model group) |
Facility features which help define the instrument with greater granularity.
finalExpiryDate (defined in LetterOfCredit complexType) |
Final expiry date of the letter of credit, once the evergreen option has been exercised.
finalExpiryDate (in lcRenewal) |
The final letter of credit expiry date (as defined by the evergreen option).
Defines the base rate and additional charges associated with the loan contract.
fixedRateOption (defined in FacilityOptionsFeesAndRates.model group) |
A set of default cash accrual options.
fixedRateOption (defined in FixedRateOptionChange complexType) |
The latest version of the fixed rate option.
fixingDate (defined in LoanContractBaseRateSet complexType) |
The date on which the underlying interest rate is fixed.
Defines the base rate and additional charges associated with the loan contract.
floatingRateIndex (defined in FloatingRateIndexLoan.model group) |
floatingRateOption (defined in FacilityOptionsFeesAndRates.model group) |
A set of default cash accrual options.
floatingRateOption (defined in FloatingRateOptionChange complexType) |
The latest version of the floating rate option.
floorRate (defined in RateLimits complexType) |
The rate floor being applied.
fundedUtilizedAmount (defined in Utilization.model group) |
The amount of utilization which is funded.
fundedUtilizedAmount (defined in Utilization.model group) |
The amount of utilization which is funded.
fxRateSetNoticeDays (defined in FixedRateOption complexType) |
The number of business days that a lender must be notified prior to an FX rate set event occurring.
fxRateSetNoticeDays (defined in FloatingRateOption complexType) |
The number of business days that a lender must be notified prior to an FX rate set event occurring.
governingLaw (defined in Facility complexType) |
Defines the governing law (jurisdiction) under which the facility operates.
guarantorPartyReference (defined in FacilityRoles.model group) |
Party references to any guarantors associated with the facility borrower.
guarantorPartyReference (defined in LoanContractSummary complexType) |
Party references to any guarantors associated with the facility borrower.
Party references to the guarantors associated with the (main) issuer of the deal.
id (defined in AccruingFeePayment complexType) |
A unique id associated with the loan accrual type.
id (in accruingFeeExpiry) |
A unique id associated with the loan accrual type.
id (in lcIssuanceFeePayment) |
A unique id associated with the loan accrual type.
identifier (defined in LetterOfCreditSummary complexType) |
A unique identifier for a letter of credit.
identifier (defined in LoanContractSummary complexType) |
A unique identifier for a loan contract.
indexTenor (defined in FloatingRateIndexLoan.model group) |
The ISDA Designated Maturity, i.e. the tenor of the floating rate.
Indicates whether the embedded business events 'global', i.e.
Original deal amount.
issuerPartyReference (in deal) |
A party reference to the (main) issuer of the deal.
Party references to any guarantors associated with the facility borrower.
The letter of credit fee rate details.
Defines the purpose of a letter of credit.
Head of the substitution group for all letter of credit events.
Defines exchange rate between the letter of credit accrual and letter of credit currencies.
lcFxRate (in lcFxRevaluation) |
Defines exchange rate between the letter of credit accrual and letter of credit currencies.
Party references to any guarantors associated with the facility borrower.
lcOption (defined in FacilityOptionsFeesAndRates.model group) |
A description of all the letter of credit fee types which apply to the facility.
lcOption (defined in LcOptionChange complexType) |
The latest version of the letter of credit option.
A reference to the lender associated with a specific business event.
The list of lender types which are exempt from paying an assignment fee to the agent bank.
letterOfCredit (defined in LetterOfCreditDetails.model group) |
A facility summary structure.
A collection of letter of credits.
A letter of credit facility.
A deal summary structure.
letterOfCreditReference (defined in LcEvent complexType) |
A facility summary structure.
lien (defined in FacilityFeatures.model group) |
The lien level associated with the facility.
A collection of loan contracts.
Head of the substitution group for all loan contract events.
loanContractReference (defined in FacilityContractEvent complexType) |
A loan contract summary structure.
loanContractReference (defined in LoanContractEvent complexType) |
mandatoryCostRate (defined in FacilityRates.model group) |
The mandatory cost rate currently applied to the interest rate period.
The mandatory cost rate currently applied to the interest rate period.
The mandatory cost rate currently applied to the interest rate period.
A list of all contracts that are maturing during the rollover event.
A list of all contracts that are maturing during the rollover event.
maturityDate (defined in FacilityDates.model group) |
The maturity date of the facility.
maturityDate (defined in LoanContract complexType) |
The maturity date of the loan contract.
maturityDate (in lcRenewal) |
The original maturity date of the letter of credit.
minLcIssuanceFeeAmount (defined in LcOption complexType) |
The letter of credit notional amount.
minLcIssuanceFeeAmount (defined in LetterOfCreditFeatures.model group) |
The letter of credit notional amount.
A container to denote whether funds may be drawn in multiple currency denominations, in addition to the base (facility) currency.
The date by which funds must be drawn.
The cash amount payable, net of all tax withholding.
The next payment for the associated event type is due on this date.
The number of calendar days before the expiry of the letter of credit, that the borrower must declare an intention to extend the letter of credit.
The business date on which the notice is valid (and was communicated).
The actual number of days represented within the 'period'.
The original global commitment amount.
A structure used to define all positions held by the lender at the loan contract level.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
party (in dealStatement) |
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
party (in facilityStatement) |
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
party (in lcNotification) |
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
paymentDetails (defined in AbstractServicingNotification complexType) |
The payments/wiring instructions associated with all embedded loan events.
paymentFrequency (defined in AccrualOptionBase complexType) |
Projected interest payment details.
Projected interest payment details.
This represents a penalty rate that may apply in addition to the regular margin rate (on outstanding loan contracts).
The penalty spread currently applied to the interest rate period.
The penalty spread currently applied to the interest rate period.
Defines whether the commitment adjustment is related to a PIK.
pikSpread (defined in FixedRateOptionBase complexType) |
pikSpread (defined in FloatingRateOptionBase complexType) |
A reference to the party for whom positions are being reported.
A reference to the party for whom positions are being reported (if applicable position amounts are populated).
A unique id associated with a previous inaccurate event.
The price at which the repayment occurred.
The global and share amounts against the associated instrument.
The global and share amount of principal commitment.
The previous loan contract maturity date.
Projected amount payable on the next payment date.
projection (defined in AccruingFeePayment complexType) |
Projected interest payment details.
projection (defined in InterestCapitalization complexType) |
Projected interest payment details.
projection (defined in InterestPayment complexType) |
Projected interest payment details.
Groups of facilities which must be traded on a pro-rata basis.
Defines the purpose of a letter of credit.
rate (defined in AccrualPeriod complexType) |
The rate applied to this period.
rate (defined in FacilityRateChangeEvent complexType) |
This represents a 'surcharge' rate that may apply in addition to a regular margin (on outstanding loan contracts).
rate (defined in FeeRateOptionBase complexType) |
rate (defined in FixedRateOptionBase complexType) |
The rate of exchange between the two currencies of the leg of a deal.
rate (defined in LoanContractBaseRateSet complexType) |
rate (defined in PeriodRate complexType) |
rate (in lcRateChange) |
The date on which the underlying interest rate is fixed.
rateSetNoticeDays (defined in FixedRateOption complexType) |
The number of business days that a lender must be notified prior to a rate set event occurring.
rateSetNoticeDays (defined in FloatingRateOption complexType) |
The number of business days that a lender must be notified prior to a rate set event occurring.
reason (in taxWithholding) |
A scheme used to identify the reason for withholding tax being applied to a cash flow.
referenceAmount (defined in AccrualPeriod complexType) |
Global and lender share amounts.
The rate applied to this period.
refusalAllowed (defined in CommitmentAdjustment complexType) |
Defines whether the lender has an option to accept or deny the commitment change.
refusalAllowed (defined in RepaymentType.model group) |
Defines whether the lender has an option to accept or deny the payment.
Set to false for a normal increase or decrease in the letter of credit amount.
The total remaining commitment amount (in facility currency), once the adjustnment has been applied.
The maturity date of the loan contract.
A revolver facility.
A rule which defines the calculation of assignment fees applicable as a result of a facility re-assignment.
Defines whether the commitment adjustment is scheduled.
Defines whether the repayment is a scheduled repayment.
seniority (defined in FacilityFeatures.model group) |
The seniority of the facility.
The lender share amount.
spread (defined in FloatingRateOptionBase complexType) |
startDate (defined in FacilityDates.model group) |
The start date of the facility.
startDate (defined in PeriodOptionalEnd.model group) |
Date on which this period begins.
The date as of which the embedded information is valid.
Party references to the syndication co-lead banks of the deal.
A party reference to the lead syndication bank of the deal.
The tax rate being applied to the associated cash flow.
Details of the tax being withheld.
A term loan facility.
The total commitment level associated with the facility or facility portion (in facility currency).
type (defined in AccruingFeeOption complexType) |
The accruing fee type for which a rate is being provided.
The letter of credit type for which a fee rate is being provided.
type (defined in LetterOfCreditSummary complexType) |
The letter of credit type for which a fee rate is being provided.
type (in accruingFeeExpiry) |
The accruing fee type which ix expiring.
type (in miscFeePayment) |
The portion of the commitment amount which is NOT available for the borrower to draw against.
unfundedUtilizedAmount (defined in Utilization.model group) |
The amount of utilization which is unfunded.
unfundedUtilizedAmount (defined in Utilization.model group) |
The amount of utilization which is unfunded.
Complex Type Summary |
An extension of the AbstractServicingNotification which includes a reference to the facility and the loan contract to which embedded loan events apply.
Abstract base type for all loan business events.
An extension of the AbstractServicingNotification which includes a reference to the facility to which embedded loan events apply.
An abstract base type for all syndicated loan servicing notifications; the wrapper for loan events which occur through the life-cycle of a deal.
Used as a abstract type for defining accrual structures within loan instruments.
A loan servicing notification used to update an accrual option within a single facility.
A loan servicing retraction used to cancel a previous accrual option change notification.
The details of the underlying elements that explain the calculation of an accrual against a reference balance.
Used to uniquely identify a single accrual type within a syndicated loan structure.
An event describing a future change an accruing fee associated with a specific facility.
A loan servicing notification used to communicate a change in an accruing fee option.
A loan servicing retraction used to cancel a previous accruing fee change notification.
An event describing a future expiry of one of the accruing fees associated with a specific facility.
Represents the accruing fee option associated within a facility.
An event describing an accruing fee payment made at the facility level.
A loan servicing notification used to communicate an accruing fee payment made by the borrower.
A loan servicing retraction used to cancel a previous accruing fee payment notification.
A list of all eligible accruing facility-level fee types.
Represents the accruing PIK option associated within a facility.
An event representing a change in a PIK accrual option.
An event representing a payment to facilitate capitalization of interest on all outstanding contracts against a particular facility.
A loan servicing notification used to communicate an accruing PIK rate being capitalized by the borrower.
A loan servicing retraction used to cancel a previous PIK rate payment.
A structure used to describe an adjustment.
A fee charged to the borrower for an amendment being made to the originally agreed credit agreement.
Represents the rules for payment of assignment fees to the agent.
A list of rules associated with the way in which assignment fees should be paid.
An event representing the fact that a new loan contract (funded borrowing) has been requested by the borrower.
A fee calculated as the cost of breaking financing against a loan contract which is repaid early.
An identifier used to group different business events.
This structure represents payable cash, together with reference to any withholding tax being applied.
An event defining a future change in facility commitment.
A structure which specifies the commitment changes occurring throughout the life of a facility.
Represents a complete amortization schedule through the life of a facility.
A syndicated bank loan deal (credit agreement) definition.
A unique reference to a syndicated bank loan deal (credit agreement).
A full set of deal and facility definitions valid as of a specific date.
A short form of a deal.
An event representing a change in the default rate, applicable to outstanding loans in the event that the borrower is declared to be in default.
An event representing expiration of the default rate applicable to borrowers in default.
A facility which can be drawn at any point during a pre-defined period after the initial deal closing date
Represents an evergreen option that is available within a letter of credit instrument.
An abstract type defining a facility baseline structure.
Represents the commitment amount against a facility or facility portion.
An abstract base type for all facility and/or contract-level business events.
A unique identifier for outstanding contracts.
An abstract base type for all facility-level business events.
This fee represents any fee paid by the borrower to the syndicate lenders for extending an existing facility.
A list of facility features.
A unique identifier to a facility.
A loan servicing notification which can be used to communicate any facility-level business event.
A loan servicing retraction used to cancel a previous facility-level business event.
Represents current/prior facility commitment and outstanding amounts on both the global and lender position levels.
Position details (including outstandings) for a single facility.
Represents current/prior facility commitment amounts on both the global and lender position levels.
A statement containing the commitment amounts for a single facility at the global and (optionally) the lender postion levels, on a specific date.
An event describing changes in a facility-level rate.
A loan servicing notification used to communicate changes in facility-level rates (e.g. penalty rate, default rate etc.).
A loan servicing retraction used to cancel a previous change in facility-level rates.
A reference to a facility.
A single facility definition stated as of a certain date.
A short form of a facility.
An event describing the early termination of a facility.
Specifies the abstract type underlying a fixed rate cash accrual option.
A full definition of the fixed rate accrual characteristics of a loan contract.
Represents the accruing fixed rate option associated within a facility.
Specifies the abstract type underlying a fixed rate cash accrual option.
An event representing a change in a fixed rate accrual option.
A full definition of the accrual characteristics of a loan contract.
A subset of the ISDA Floating Rate Option scheme, i.e. the floating rate index.
Represents the accruing floating rate option associated within a facility.
Specifies the abstract type underlying a floating rate cash accrual option.
An event describing a change in a floating rate accrual option.
A fee associated with the funding requirements for given facility.
A structure which specifies FX conversion terms.
An event representing the lender-specific capitalization of interest amounts for a given accrual period against a single loan contract.
An event representing the lender-specific payment of interest amounts for a given accrual period against a single loan contract.
A full definition of the accrual characteristics of a letter of credit.
An event representing a change in the notional amount associated with an outstanding letter of credit.
An abstract base type for all LC-level business events.
An event representing a change in either the [L/C -> Facility] or [Accrual -> L/C] FX rates (or both) on an outstanding letter of credit.
An event representing the issuance of a new letter of credit under an existing facility.
An event representing a letter of credit issuance fee payment.
A loan servicing notification used to communicate various letter of credit business events.
A loan servicing retraction used to cancel a previous letter of credit notification.
Represents the accruing L/C rate option associated within a facility.
An event representing a change in an L/C accrual option.
A list of L/C purposes.
An event representing a change in the rate on an outstanding letter of credit.
An event representing a change in the maturity date on an outstanding letter of credit.
An event representing either the expiry or cancellation of a letter of credit
A list of L/C types.
A list of lender clasifications.
A definition of an unfunded borrowing (guarantee) instrument known as a Letter of Credit.
A facility designed to issue letter of credit products.
A reference to a letter of credit.
A short form definition of a letter of credit.
A funded borrowing instrument which utilizes a portion of an available under a single facility (line of credit) within a bank deal (credit agreement).
An event representing adjustment in the notional amount of a loan contract that has no cash flow effect.
An event representing the initial setting of the rate on a single (new) loan contract.
An abstract base type for all loan contract-level business events.
An event representing a change of maturity date on a one or more outstanding loan contracts.
A loan servicing notification used to communicate various loan contract business events.
A loan servicing notification retraction used to communicate cancellation of various loan contract business events.
A reference to a loan contract.
A short form of a loan contract.
An abstract base type defining common features of a syndicated loan business event.
An event representing a change in the mandatory cost rate, applicable to certain outstanding loans in the UK market.
An event representing expiration of the mandatory cost rate applicable in the UK market.
An event describing a non-recurring fee being paid at either the loan contract or facility level.
An extension of the money type with the ability to specify a lender share amount in addition to the global amount (represented by 'amount').
Defines all the currencies in which funds can be drawn against a facility.
An event describing a non-recurring fee being paid at either the loan contract or facility level.
A loan servicing notification used to communicate a non-recurring fee payment made by the borrower.
A loan servicing retraction used to cancel a previous non-recurring fee payment.
A list of all non-recurring (one-off) fee types.
A collection of outstanding loan contract and/or letter of credit structures belonging to a single facility.
Represents outstanding loan contracts or outstanding letter of credit position.
Represents interest payment projections.
An event representing a change in the penalty rate applicable to outstanding loans.
An event representing expiration of the penalty rate.
Represents a rate applicable against a well-defined or open-ended period.
A loan servicing notification designed to communicate the specific business events associated with a pre-payment made by the borrower.
A loan servicing retraction designed to cancel a previous pre-payment.
Defines a restriction pertaining to which facilities must be traded on a pro-rata basis.
The limits associated with rates that can be applied to a loan instrument.
An event representing a principal repayment being made by the borrower.
A facility which allows a flexible line of credit which can be drawn and repaid multiple times over the life of the facility.
A loan servicing notification designed to communicate the combination of business events associated with a rollover transaction.
A loan servicing retraction designed to cancel a previous rollover transaction.
An abstract base type for all syndicated loan statement notifications; the wrapper for deal/facility/contract definitions and facility/contract positions at a particular point in time (snapshot).
Represents the withholding tax being applied to a particular cash flow.
A facility which is fully funded (utilized) at deal closing.
This fee is also known as Participation Fee, Arrangement Fee etc.
This fee represents a payment made by the borrower to the syndicate lenders for processing and accepting a waiver request.
A list of reasons for withholding tax being applied to a cash flow.
Element Group Summary |
The main parties involved in any business event.
Current and prior global commitment break-down.
Definition of all parties playing various roles within a given deal.
Deal-level rules.
Facility commitment information together with any schedule associated with the commitment.
All relevant dates related to a specific facility.
A model used to reference a facility by either identifier or summary, within various notifications.
Features/attributes associated with a given facility.
Additional (non-static) facility rate details.
Various facility rate details.
Parties that are playing various roles within a given facility.
A model which captures the index and tenor associated with the floating rate.
Lender and cash flow details (relative to the lender) represented within a business event.
A model used to reference an L/C by either identifier, summary or full L/C details, within various notifications.
The additional features associated with a letter of credit.
Parties that are playing various roles within a given letter of credit.
A model used to reference a loan contract by either identifier, summary or full contract details, within various notifications.
Flags that determine the type of repayment that is occurring and the flexibility asociated with it (from the lender's perspective).
A breakdown of the utilization profile against a single facility.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
== Copyright (c) 2002-2016 All rights reserved. == Financial Products Markup Language is subject to the FpML public license. == A copy of this license is available at --> <xsd:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" ecore:documentRoot="FpML" ecore:nsPrefix="conf" ecore:package="org.fpml.confirmation" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="" version="$Revision: 7614 $" xmlns="" xmlns:dsig="" xmlns:ecore="" xmlns:fpml-annotation="" xmlns:xsd="">
<xsd:include schemaLocation="fpml-msg-5-8.xsd"/>
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
An extension of the AbstractServicingNotification which includes a reference to the facility and the loan contract to which embedded loan events apply. This abtract type should be used to 'wrap' contract-level business events.
<xsd:extension base="AbstractServicingNotification">
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="facilityOutstandingsPosition" type="FacilityOutstandingsPosition"/>
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">Abstract base type for all loan business events.</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
An extension of the AbstractServicingNotification which includes a reference to the facility to which embedded loan events apply. This abtract type should be used to 'wrap' facility-level business events.
<xsd:extension base="AbstractServicingNotification">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
An abstract base type for all syndicated loan servicing notifications; the wrapper for loan events which occur through the life-cycle of a deal.
<xsd:extension base="CorrectableRequestMessage">
<xsd:element name="noticeDate" type="xsd:date">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
The business date on which the notice is valid (and was communicated).
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
Indicates whether the embedded business events 'global', i.e. NOT lender specific.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
The payments/wiring instructions associated with all embedded loan events.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
Used as a abstract type for defining accrual structures within loan instruments.
<xsd:element name="accrualOptionId" type="AccrualTypeId">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A unique id associated with the loan accrual type.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A loan servicing notification used to update an accrual option within a single facility. Embedded business events simply re-state the given accrual option.
<xsd:extension base="AbstractContractNotification">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A loan servicing retraction used to cancel a previous accrual option change notification.
<xsd:extension base="NonCorrectableRequestMessage">
<xsd:element name="eventIdentifier" type="BusinessEventIdentifier">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A collection of referenced business events being cancelled/retracted.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
The details of the underlying elements that explain the calculation of an accrual against a reference balance.
<xsd:group ref="PeriodWithDays.model">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
Defines the dates for a single accrual period. This is a period of actual (adjusted) dates.
<xsd:element name="referenceAmount" type="MoneyWithParticipantShare">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
Used to uniquely identify a single accrual type within a syndicated loan structure.
<xsd:extension base="xsd:normalizedString">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
An event describing a future change an accruing fee associated with a specific facility.
<xsd:extension base="FacilityEvent">
<xsd:element name="accruingFeeOption" type="AccruingFeeOption">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
Defines new rate and the date on which the rate is no longer valid.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A loan servicing notification used to communicate a change in an accruing fee option. These options define the rates/calculations associated with facility-level accruing fees.
<xsd:extension base="AbstractFacilityNotification">
<xsd:element ref="accruingFeeChangeGroup"/>
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A loan servicing retraction used to cancel a previous accruing fee change notification.
<xsd:extension base="NonCorrectableRequestMessage">
<xsd:element name="eventIdentifier" type="BusinessEventIdentifier">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A collection of referenced business events being cancelled/retracted.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
<xsd:element ref="accruingFeeChangeGroup"/>
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
An event describing a future expiry of one of the accruing fees associated with a specific facility.
<xsd:extension base="FacilityEvent">
<xsd:element name="id" type="AccrualTypeId">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A unique id associated with the loan accrual type.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
Represents the accruing fee option associated within a facility.
<xsd:extension base="FeeRateOptionBase">
<xsd:element name="type" type="AccruingFeeType">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
The accruing fee type for which a rate is being provided.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A freetext field which allows the sender to add further details around the business event.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
An event describing an accruing fee payment made at the facility level.
<xsd:extension base="FacilityEvent">
<xsd:element name="id" type="AccrualTypeId">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A unique id associated with the loan accrual type.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
The period against which the accrual fee is due. This is a period of actual (adjusted) dates.
<xsd:element name="amount" type="MoneyWithParticipantShare"/>
<xsd:sequence minOccurs="0">
<xsd:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="accrualSchedule" type="AccrualPeriod">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A schedule that incorporates all sub-periods of an accrual calculation.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A loan servicing notification used to communicate an accruing fee payment made by the borrower.
<xsd:extension base="AbstractFacilityNotification">
<xsd:element name="accruingFeePayment" type="AccruingFeePayment"/>
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A loan servicing retraction used to cancel a previous accruing fee payment notification.
<xsd:extension base="NonCorrectableRequestMessage">
<xsd:element name="eventIdentifier" type="BusinessEventIdentifier">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A collection of referenced business events being cancelled/retracted.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
<xsd:element name="accruingFeePayment" type="AccruingFeePayment"/>
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A list of all eligible accruing facility-level fee types.
<xsd:extension base="Scheme">
<xsd:attribute default="" name="accruingFeeTypeScheme" type="NonEmptyURI"/>
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
Represents the accruing PIK option associated within a facility.
<xsd:extension base="FeeRateOptionBase">
<xsd:group ref="Period.model">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A period during which the accrual type is applicable.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
An event representing a change in a PIK accrual option. In real terms - an example of this would be a margin rate change.
<xsd:extension base="FacilityEvent">
<xsd:element name="accruingPikOption" type="AccruingPikOption">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The latest version of the acccruing PIK option.</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
An event representing a payment to facilitate capitalization of interest on all outstanding contracts against a particular facility.
<xsd:extension base="FacilityEvent">
<xsd:group ref="Period.model">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
Dates defining a generic period. This is a period of actual (adjusted) dates.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A schedule that incorporates all sub-periods of an accrual calculation.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A loan servicing notification used to communicate an accruing PIK rate being capitalized by the borrower.
<xsd:extension base="AbstractFacilityNotification">
<xsd:element name="accruingPikPayment" type="AccruingPikPayment"/>
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A loan servicing retraction used to cancel a previous PIK rate payment.
<xsd:extension base="NonCorrectableRequestMessage">
<xsd:element name="eventIdentifier" type="BusinessEventIdentifier">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A collection of referenced business events being cancelled/retracted.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
<xsd:element name="accruingPikPayment" type="AccruingPikPayment"/>
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
<xsd:element name="adjustmentType" type="AmountAdjustmentEnum">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
Defines the type of adjustment applied - increase or decrease.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A fee charged to the borrower for an amendment being made to the originally agreed credit agreement. The fee is based on a rate (as stated in the agreement) applied to the current commitment level. Calculated as a percentage of the unutilized portion of the facility.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
Represents the rules for payment of assignment fees to the agent.
<xsd:element name="amount" type="NonNegativeMoney">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
The amount payable to the agent for re-assigning a share in one of the underlying facilities within the deal.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A rule which defines the calculation of assignment fees applicable as a result of a facility re-assignment.
<xsd:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="lenderTypeWaived" type="LenderClassification">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
The list of lender types which are exempt from paying an assignment fee to the agent bank.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A list of rules associated with the way in which assignment fees should be paid.
<xsd:extension base="Scheme">
<xsd:attribute default="" name="assignmentFeeRuleScheme" type="NonEmptyURI"/>
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
An event representing the fact that a new loan contract (funded borrowing) has been requested by the borrower.
<xsd:extension base="LoanContractEvent">
<xsd:element name="amount" type="MoneyWithParticipantShare"/>
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
An enumeration which describes whether the condition precent have been met, not met or been waived. Please note: this field in not required since conditions precedent may not be applicable in certain scenarios.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A fee calculated as the cost of breaking financing against a loan contract which is repaid early.
<xsd:extension base="NonRecurringFeePayment">
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="breakageFeeClaimDate" type="xsd:date">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
The date by which any breakage costs (if applicable) must be submitted by Lenders to the Agent.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
Where breakage cost is applicable, this enumeration defines who is calculating it - agent bank or lender.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
An identifier used to group different business events. This mechanism allows various events to be loosely coupled with each other.
<xsd:extension base="BusinessEventIdentifier">
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="description" type="xsd:normalizedString">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A short description of the combination of business events that make up the event group.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
This structure represents payable cash, together with reference to any withholding tax being applied. This is used as a generic cash flow container across all loan business events (within the event header).
<xsd:group ref="PayerReceiver.model"/>
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
The cash amount payable, net of all tax withholding. This amount represents the funds to be wired from 'payer' to 'receiver' as a result of the underlying business event.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
An event defining a future change in facility commitment.
<xsd:extension base="FacilityEvent">
<xsd:element name="refusalAllowed" type="xsd:boolean">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
Defines whether the lender has an option to accept or deny the commitment change.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
Defines whether the commitment adjustment is scheduled.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
Defines whether the commitment adjustment is related to a PIK.
<xsd:element name="facilityCommitment" type="FacilityCommitment">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
The global/lender commitment amount stated AFTER a commitment adjustment has taken place.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
Defines the type of adjustment applied - increase or decrease.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
The amortization schedule associated with the facility commitment.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A structure which specifies the commitment changes occurring throughout the life of a facility.
<xsd:element name="date" type="xsd:date">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
The date on which a facility increase/decrease has/will occur.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
The total remaining commitment amount (in facility currency), once the adjustnment has been applied.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
The total remaining commitment amount (in facility currency), once the adjustnment has been applied.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
Represents a complete amortization schedule through the life of a facility.
<xsd:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="commitmentChange" type="CommitmentChange">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
The date on which a facility increase/decrease has/will occur.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A syndicated bank loan deal (credit agreement) definition.
<xsd:extension base="DealSummary">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A unique reference to a syndicated bank loan deal (credit agreement).
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A full set of deal and facility definitions valid as of a specific date.
<xsd:extension base="SyndicatedLoanStatement">
<xsd:element name="deal" type="Deal">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A legal entity or a subdivision of a legal entity.
<xsd:extension base="DealIdentifier">
<xsd:group ref="DealRoles.model">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
The credit agreement date is also known as the 'closing date' (the date on which the agreement was signed). Funding of the facilities occurs either on or after (in the case of a Delayed Draw) the Credit Agreement date.
<xsd:choice minOccurs="0">
<xsd:element name="currency" type="Currency">
<xsd:element name="issuedAmount" type="NonNegativeMoney">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
An event representing a change in the default rate, applicable to outstanding loans in the event that the borrower is declared to be in default.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
An event representing expiration of the default rate applicable to borrowers in default.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A facility which can be drawn at any point during a pre-defined period after the initial deal closing date,
<xsd:extension base="Facility">
<xsd:element name="delayedDraw" type="xsd:boolean">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A flag to determine whether the Term Loan has a delayed draw feature.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
Represents an evergreen option that is available within a letter of credit instrument.
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="nonRenewalNoticePeriod" type="Period">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
The number of calendar days before the expiry of the letter of credit, that the borrower must declare an intention to extend the letter of credit.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
The number of calendar days defining the extension period.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
An abstract type defining a facility baseline structure.
<xsd:extension base="FacilitySummary">
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="governingLaw" type="GoverningLaw">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
Defines the governing law (jurisdiction) under which the facility operates.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A model which contains the additional (non-static) facility rate details. These can change independently during the life of the facility.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
A container to denote whether funds may be drawn in multiple currency denominations, in addition to the base (facility) currency. The current commitment amount defines the base currency associated with the facility.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
Represents the commitment amount against a facility or facility portion. Also shows the utilization levels against the total commitment amount (in facility currency).
<xsd:element name="totalCommitmentAmount" type="MoneyWithParticipantShare">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
The total commitment level associated with the facility or facility portion (in facility currency).
<xsd:sequence minOccurs="0">
<xsd:group ref="Utilization.model"/>
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
The portion of the commitment amount which is NOT available for the borrower to draw against.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
An abstract base type for all facility and/or contract-level business events.
<xsd:extension base="LoanEvent">
<xsd:element name="facilityReference" type="FacilityReference"/>
<xsd:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="loanContractReference" type="LoanContractReference">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
An abstract base type for all facility-level business events.
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
This fee represents any fee paid by the borrower to the syndicate lenders for extending an existing facility.
<xsd:extension base="Scheme">
<xsd:attribute default="" name="facilityFeatureScheme" type="NonEmptyURI"/>