FpML Issues Tracker

1133: Check that we have uniqueness rules for all IDs

August 7, 2012



Have not tried

Validation Rules




We have rules that impose the uniqueness of partyId and accountId.

We need to check that we have rules that do the same for otehr IDs. E.g., instrumentId.


  • danieldui

    06/25/13 3:36 pm

    We agreed that all IDs should be checked. E.g., trade ID, Region, Instrument ID, secondary asset class, etc.

    We also agreed that this is low priority and that we should deal deal with otehr issues first.

    Changed issue priority to “low”.

  • mgratacos

    10/03/18 5:39 am

    Assigned to mgratacos.

  • mgratacos

    07/18/19 12:02 pm

    Minutes AWG 2019-07-18

    • We agreed not to make any changes on the validation rules for this.
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