FpML Issues Tracker

611: Validation rules don’t apply to all views!

February 29, 2008




Validation Rules




Not all validation rules apply to all views. They should be split up.


  • matthewdr

    02/29/08 7:23 pm

    Agree there is an issue.

    I suggest the solution is to give the explicit namespace of the context (view) for each Validation rule. One of the results of views is that we now have namespaces to refer to them by.

    So instead of:
    “Context: InterestRateStream (complex type)
    ird-1 (Mandatory)
    resetDates must be present if and only if a floatingRateCalculation or inflationRateCalculation is present in the calculationPeriodAmount/calculation element.”

    This would remain exactly the same except you would get at the top of the document the XQuery syntax:
    declare default element namespace “http://www.fpml.org/FpML-5-0/pretrade”;

    If you need to refer to the namespaces explicitly you can do that with:
    declare namespace pre=”http://www.fpml.org/FpML-5-0/pretrade”;

  • matthewdr

    12/15/08 10:58 am

    We need to get the validation rules into the 5.0 releases.

  • matthewdr

    12/16/08 2:28 pm

    Agreed at the VWG for Irina to document the progress on adding VWG rules to FpML 5.

  • matthewdr

    02/24/09 3:33 pm

    Agreed at the VWG the objective is to ensure that the rules are present in the next FpML 5 WD.

    Marc says the next FpML 5 WD should come out in the next couple of weeks.

  • matthewdr

    04/07/09 9:39 am

    The “next couple of weeks” is elapsed. What is the current status?

  • matthewdr

    04/07/09 1:10 pm

    Discussed at the VWG today. Irina said the examples were in the progress of being updated.

  • matthewdr

    06/09/09 1:44 pm

    Discussed at the VWG today. Irina stated she is working on this for the Confirmation ‘view’ and the Reporting ‘view’.

    Irina stated the plan is not to have any rules on the Master schema. Instead all rules will apply to a specific View schemas. Each View has a namespace, so does each rule, which allows the rules to be associated to a specific view.

    There is no link between the same rule in different contexts.

  • iyermakova

    11/03/09 4:18 pm

    Discussed at the VWG today. ISDA will review the 5.0 confirmation-view business validation rules after 5.0WD4 is published and try to correct the rules (XPath) if needed. The controversial changes will be reported on the issue list, assigned to the Val WG.
    The 5.0 reporting-view business validation rules, currently share the same rules as confirmation-view (generated from the same base validation rules xml). The reporting-view business validation rules will be reviewed by the Validation Working Group once the modeling work in the Reporting/Regulatory Reporting Working Group is completed.

  • danieldui

    07/30/13 2:22 pm

    Views now have different validation rules. Issue no longer needed.

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