
FpML Discussion

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  • #18738

    The FpML site says there are multiple data dictionaries, 6 (in 5 types).
    See here
    I need the data dictionary content in xml or in Excel format.
    Why? Because in my organisation, I need to create documentation (in the form of “data element name, data element description”).
    Currently, I can only see the info I require at
    And this means that this is a manual and one-data-element-at-a-time process. Very time consuming and of course boring.
    I will appreciate any advise suggestion or help.
    Thanks. – Madani


    Further clarifying the need stated in my post of yesterday.

    The need is to have an entire dictionary in a single file (xml or Excel) to avoid the “one-data-element-at-a-time” process of gathering the meaning of data elements.

    Looking forward to the forum members’ advice, suggestion or help. Thanks. – Madani


    Hello Madani,

    We had a similar need in a project a couple years ago and seeing there was nothing that fully provided what we needed we ended up building our own piece of software to sort it out.
    Our need was to list the fields in the schema in a data dictionary format, but enriching them with business definitions to create Rules Of Engagement for data producers/consumers. (In our case the scope was a subset of messages and fields, but doing it for the whole schema would work the same). We were also using the output for data labeling and extraction and other stuff.

    The thing is, once created, some colleagues requested their use, so we ended up creating a commercial tool. We even have a video on youtube if you want to see how it works 😀

    The tool does this “data dictionary listing” you’re mentioning in the background; what you see in the video is the specific application of enriching the data dictionary with business concepts and the potential use in generating rules of engagement, data extraction, etc.

    Happy to show you how it works in more detail if this is of your interest.

    Best regards,

    Aleix Revilla

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by mgratacos.

    Hello Madani,

    We had a similar need in a project a couple years ago and seeing there was nothing that fully provided what we needed we ended up building our own piece of software to sort it out.
    Our need was to list the fields in the schema in a data dictionary format, but enriching them with business definitions to create Rules Of Engagement for data producers/consumers. (In our case the scope was a subset of messages and fields, but doing it for the whole schema would work the same). We were also using the output for data labeling and extraction and other stuff.

    The thing is, once created, some colleagues requested their use, so we ended up creating a commercial tool. We even have a video on youtube if you want to see how it works 😀
    link here

    The tool does this “data dictionary listing” you’re mentioning in the background; what you see in the video is the specific application of enriching the data dictionary with business concepts and the potential use in generating rules of engagement, data extraction, etc.

    Happy to show you how it works in more detail if this is of your interest.

    Best regards,

    Aleix Revilla


    Thanks Aleix.
    I did have a go at the YouTube video.
    I confess that I am not knowledgeable enough to appreciate the “magic”. 🙂

    I am not concerned with how it is done, more interested in the outcome, i.e., a non-xml rendition of the Data Dictionary.

    I am a consumer of the Data Dictionary and not the creator. Some other team in my organisation has some means of rendering an XSD into Excel (not as entities and attributes, but as message fragments and their structures (e.g., each complexType and its properties).

    So our interest is in getting the XSD-s in separate files.

    My own remit is to build a “Business Data Model” (from the FpML message data model). But that is nothing to do with FpML, but more to do with understanding the business itself, and the current physical structures (dbms schema) – which provide the data to emit the relevant FpML messages.

    However, thank you for your response.

    Regards. – Madani BASHA


    This is very helpful. We’ve been trying to search on something like this. This is very helpful to us. We needed someone to help us. Having a tech support would really help us. While I was searching for this I [url= go here [/url] and also this one [url= now available on pc and mac [/url].

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