FpML Issues Tracker

1010: Conversion of test cases for 5.0 release

July 6, 2010




Validation Rules




5.0 currently don't have the validation test cases.


  • iyermakova

    07/06/10 7:03 pm

    The Valid WG agreed that the rules should be released
    with test cases. The test cases need therefore to be updated from 4.x
    to 5.0.

  • iyermakova

    07/06/10 7:11 pm

  • danieldui

    07/27/10 5:18 pm

    Discussed on 27 July meeting:

    TODO: (Irina) Ensure that commented out reporting rules remain visible. Maybe create other issue and/or put rules in a separate file in the repository. Also create separate issue(s) for missing examples.

  • iyermakova

    07/27/10 5:26 pm

    As per VALID WG 27 July 2010 discussion created separate issue(s):
    1013 – to Ensure that commented out reporting rules remain visible
    1012 – for missing examples.

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