FpML Issues Tracker

1019: TimeDimension complex type is incorrect in reporting view

September 10, 2010








LCH reported an issue with 5.x (Reporting vew) "TimeDimension" complex type. It restricts structure allowing to use either date or tenor but not both which is allowed in 4.x.


  • iyermakova

    09/10/10 7:36 pm

    Corrected an issue within ‘TimeDimension’ complex type – conversion script was removing and element ‘tenor’ from one of the choice group option. The change was committed to the braches/FpML-5-1/

  • iyermakova

    09/10/10 7:58 pm

    Reviewed conversion scripts in the master schema did not see any similar issues.

  • iyermakova

    09/22/10 8:19 pm

  • iyermakova

    11/02/10 1:18 pm

    Errata was added to fpml-5-0-8-rec-1
    The correction was published in fpml-5-0-9-rec-1

  • milasx

    12/02/10 11:11 am

    We seem to still have this issue in FpML5.1 WD3.

  • iyermakova

    12/02/10 2:02 pm

    Could you please describe the issue you see now?

    The original issue was that, in reporting, your were unable to specify both tenor and date because they appeared as a choice options.

    The correction was, in reporting, you now should be able to specify both tenor and date as they appear in a sequence (rather than choice) of optional element tenor and optional element date.

  • mgratacos

    12/08/10 6:25 pm

    The issue was fixed as described in fpml-5-0-9-rec-1. The issue was later reopened but this was a mistake made by the submitter since it was using an old version of the schema. The issue is fixed.

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