FpML Issues Tracker

1109: Duplicate tradeId in fpml-confirmation-processes-5-3.xsd

April 10, 2012








When compliling with java 1.6 fpml-confirmation-processes-5-3.xsd its giving duplicate tradeId property.

C:SrinivasCSDR Reportingrequiredxsd>C:SrinivasCjdk1.6.0_07binxjc.exe fpml-confirmation-processes-5-3.xsd Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -agentlib:jvmhook Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xrunjvmhook -Xbootclasspath/a:C:PROGRA~1HPQUICKT~1binJAVA_S~1classes;C:PROGRA~1HPQUICKT~1binJAVA_S~1classesjasmine .jar parsing a schema... [ERROR] Element "{http://www.fpml.org/FpML-5/confirmation}tradeId" shows up in more than one properties. line 1262 of file:/C:/SrinivasC/SDR%20Reporting/requiredxsd/fpml-doc-5-3.xsd

[ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error line 1254 of file:/C:/SrinivasC/SDR%20Reporting/requiredxsd/fpml-doc-5-3.xsd

Failed to parse a schema.


  • mgratacos

    05/17/12 9:43 am

    This seems to be a problem with JAXB, not the FpML Schema. The FpML Schema is valid. Code generation should be done from the generated views, not from the master schema.

  • srinuchintal

    05/18/12 1:51 am

    Hi, thanks for clarifying the issue. I can exactly the diff b/n generated views and master schema. We are parsing the schema files for both confirmation and reporting view of 5.3 spec using jaxb.

    Let me know if iam missing any thing. Can i assume that existing schema wont be used with JAXB Parser ?

  • sradonj

    05/22/12 1:16 pm

    Had the same issue.
    You can solve it by using the Maven JAXB plugin (I used a combination of Maven for Eclipse downloaded via the Eclipse Marketplace and then compiled on the command line using the Maven binary)
    Your pom should have an execution target something like the following: org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2maven-jaxb2-plugin0.8.1generatesrc/your/fpml/schema/folderfpml-main-5-3.xsdpackage.name.for.your.generated.jaxb.java.classes${project.build.directory}/generated-sources

    Then compile on the command line: mvn compile
    OR compile through Eclipse by right-clicking the pom.xml and running a Maven build.

  • mgratacos

    07/16/12 4:29 pm

    This is a tool issue. Nothing changed at the FpML Schema level.

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