FpML Issues Tracker

1121: TradeReferenceInformation has no mandatory content

May 24, 2012




Business Process




(1) Complex type TradeReferenceInformation has no mandatory content. This means that in the contexts where it is deployed within a choice (as TradeReferenceInformation.model, or indirectly via EventsOrInfo.model), the schema permits *no useful trade information* to be produced.

This should be fixed by setting the occurrence of the partyTradeInformation element to 1..unbounded, instead of 0..unbounded as in the current model.

(2) There are two model groups associated with TradeReferenceInformation, TradeReferenceInformation.model and TradeReferenceInformationContents.model - both of these groups are redundant and should be removed.

TradeReferenceInformation.model comprises a sequence containing a single tradeReferenceInformation element - so there is no advantage to using a group reference instead of a direct element instance.

TradeReferenceInformationContents.model is referenced only within the TradeReferenceInformation type - if there is no requirement to use the content model outside the type, then the model group serves no purpose.


  • dibyendu

    06/15/12 12:17 pm

    Making the partyTradeInformation mandatory would be problematic, as we allow this to be ommited. Instead, the occurence of partyTradeIdentifier could be made 1..unbounded.

  • mgratacos

    02/14/13 9:14 pm

    Removed orphan group TradeReferenceInformationContents.
    partyTradeIdentifier was made required as suggested by Dibyendu.
    partyTradeInformation cannot be made required.

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