FpML Issues Tracker

1130: invalid-ref-7-01.xml is not invalid with respect to Ref-7 rule.

July 9, 2012




Validation Rules




The file claimed to be invalid introduces an error in the element calculationPeriodDatesReference of type CalculationPeriodDatesReference, which is an element inside PaymentDates.

The error should have been introduced in an identically named element calculationPeriodDatesReference, but of type InterestLegCalculationPeriodDatesReference which is an element inside InterestLegResetDates.


  • danieldui

    09/03/12 2:53 pm

    I looked into this and the example looks wrong. The test case should use the returnSwap product rather than swap.

    We need to check if test we need to add also other test cases. I think that we need also an example for EquitySwapTransactionSupplement, but following the type hierarchy and the substitution groups is a convoluted.

  • danieldui

    09/11/12 1:50 pm

    During the call we confirmed that the example is incorrect.

    ACTION: Andrew J – Produce at least one example based on return swap structure, which uses the “InterestLegCalculationPeriodDatesReference” type.

  • mkoli

    10/22/12 8:08 pm

    updated test case : example/invalid-testcases/invalid-ref-7-01.xml

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