FpML Issues Tracker

1267: MandatoryEarlyTermination.model incorrectly generated in FpML-5-11/recordkeeping view

February 17, 2020








The structure of MandatoryEarlyTermination.model is incorrectly generated in FpML-5-11/recordkeeping view (build 7). The model published in the Recommendation permits a strict choice of (mandatoryEarlyTerminationDateTenor|mandatoryEarlyTermination), whereas these elements were independently optional at previous versions of FpML-5/recordkeeping.

The content model under confirmation view is an at-least-one-of choice. This has been adopted for OptionalEarlyTermination.model at 5-11; the same needs to be done for MandatoryEarlyTermination.model.

This issue is a bug which invalidates formerly accepted messages - this needs to be fixed by publishing an erratum to FpML-5-11/recordkeeping (module fpml-ird-5-11.xsd).


  • mgratacos

    02/24/20 11:33 am

    AWG 2020-02-20

    • Agreement to solve this issue. We’ll take advantage and improve the model by adding an “at least one” pattern as we have in the confirmation view.
    • The change has been committed to Subversion.
    • We’ll prepare the build and notify the Standards Committee to see whether there is any objection.
  • mgratacos

    03/13/20 6:28 am

    This has been fixed in FpML 5.11 Recommendation build 8


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