FpML Issues Tracker

1276: Repo vs Reverse Repo

August 29, 2022








In the fpml repo model, how do we distinguish between a repo and a reverse repo trade. what would be the ISDA product type for Repo and Reverse repo


  • JasonPolis

    09/13/22 6:39 am

    Reverse Repo is a term used when the side that usually buys in the near leg instead sells it.

    The fpml:Repo type explicitly specifies the buyer and seller on both the nearLeg and farLeg.

    The productType would be Repo under productTypeScheme http://www.fpml.org/coding-scheme/product-type-simple

    Repo is not in ISDA’s http://www.fpml.org/coding-scheme/product-taxonomy because it’s not an Over The Counter Derivative.

    Some parties want to classify this as a different product to a Repo and can do so using a bespoke scheme.

  • JasonPolis

    09/28/22 11:36 am

    Request for Information. Closed.
    Duplicates Forum topic: Repo vs Reverse Repo – FpML

  • jbaserba

    01/12/23 6:32 am

    Closed as described in previous comment.

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