FpML Issues Tracker

1281: PremiumAmount

November 4, 2022









Good afternoon,

In the example "2.17 Example 9a - European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Explicit Underlying Effective Date" (see the code extract bellow), it is provided the tag <paymentType>PremiumAmount</paymentType> which do not have domain values and do not say explicitly what premium type can be nestled inside. Is it possible to nestle Swaption`s Spot or Forward premium inside?

<paymentAmount> <currency>EUR</currency> <amount>5000</amount> </paymentAmount> <paymentDate> <unadjustedDate>2018-09-19</unadjustedDate> <dateAdjustments> <businessDayConvention>MODFOLLOWING</businessDayConvention> <businessCenters> <businessCenter>EUTA</businessCenter> </businessCenters> </dateAdjustments> </paymentDate> <paymentType>PremiumAmount</paymentType> </premium> <europeanExercise> <expirationDate> <adjustableDate> <unadjustedDate id="expirationDate-64209470-695">2019-09-17</unadjustedDate> <dateAdjustments> <businessDayConvention>MODFOLLOWING</businessDayConvention> <businessCenters>

Thank you in advance. Hope for asap answer.

Best regards,






  • JasonPolis

    02/15/23 12:07 pm


    It appears swaption/premium uses the Payment type, which has a PaymentType which is implicitly a PremiumAmount anyway;

    rather than Premium type containing Premium.model group which includes the PremiumType:PremiumTypeEnum
    which could indicate whether it is PrePaid or PostPaid which may correspond to requestor’s Spot or Forward terms.

    If there is a need to express this, the easiest option would be to add the PremiumType:PremiumTypeEnum

    to the swaption/premium.

  • JasonPolis

    04/05/23 8:24 am

    feedback welcome.

  • JasonPolis

    05/11/23 9:51 am

    MAZA: it seems to me that it would be correct to have such an element within the schema that would contain information about what type of premium for the swaption (forward or spot).

    XAPWG: What’s the use case ?
    The group wondered if the classification might be needed for a pricing model.
    If not, you could just use the specified dates directly, rather than a classification.

  • MAZA

    09/12/23 2:41 am


    Thank you.

  • jbaserba

    03/18/24 8:02 am

    Request for information solved. Marked as closed.

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