FpML Issues Tracker

1356: Relative dates structure for IRS

August 13, 2024



Have not tried







Could you please clarify the question bellow. According to the fpml ird-5-12 scheme, can the <relativeEffectiveDate> structure be at the same time with the <terminationDate> structure in the same swap? This question arose because the fpml validator does not display an error on such a structure where we have <relativeEffectiveDate> and <terminationDate>. At the same time, there is a description in the FpML documentation that there is a relative swap where only relative dates apply.

Thank you in advance.

Regards, Iuliia Sydorenko.


  • jbaserba

    09/03/24 10:18 am

    Hi Iuliia,

    The relative swap structure described in section 7.1.2 of the documentation was originally intended to represent products we do not know the dates of for pricing purposes. Therefore, it was intended to be used with all dates being relative. Nevertheless there is no particular reason why you could not potentially use both <relativeEffectiveDate> and <terminationDate> in the same product as long as you are able to resolve the relative dates, even if that was not the use they were designed for.

    What is the use case you need this for?

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