FpML Issues Tracker

228: Message types in the wrong XML Schema

October 3, 2006








All the message types should be in pre-trade, trade-exec, or post-trade. Recent changes have broken this. Messages have been added in the wrong location:

* CancelTradeCashFlows should be in post-trade * TraceCashflowsAsserted should be in post-trade * TradeCashflowsMatchResult should be in post-trade * PositionReport should be in post-trade * RequestValuationReport should be in post-trade * ValuationReport should be in post-trade


  • mgratacos

    10/26/06 4:01 am

    Majority of members of the Business Process Working Group disagree with this issue (2006-10-25 meeting). Having a separate files makes it easier to find messages and components specific to cash flow matching or valuation reporting.

  • matthew

    10/26/06 8:39 am

    This contradicts the package structure in the architecture.

    The BPWG should either change the architecture or comply with it. It isn’t an option to go off at a tangent.

    This issue should be referred to the AWG as it is an architecture issue created by the BPWG.

  • mgratacos

    01/31/07 8:01 am

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