FpML Issues Tracker

297: Architecture document requires guidance on inheritance

February 7, 2007








Add clauses to the FpML Architecture document to restrict extension to genuine cases of extension by inheritance, rather than as a shorthand for grabbing a set of properties.

A good example of misuse is Beneficiary, which is not a type of Routing.


  • mgratacos

    03/06/07 8:38 am

    The following paragraph (between ++) has been added to section By Extension of the Architecture Specification:

    XML Schema supports a single inheritance pattern between complex types by extension. Usually the base type represents a ‘generalized’ structure that becomes more ‘specialized’ in the derived type. […]

    Under this style of inheritance the content model inherited from the base type by the new derived type cannot be modified. Any data member defined in a base types will be present in all the derived types with the same cardinality (e.g. optional, one, multiple, etc.).

    ++ It’s important to note that the use of extension in FpML is restricted to genuine cases of extension by inheritance, rather than a mechanism for grabbing a set of common properties. ++

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