FpML Issues Tracker

637: Consistent of property names – termination date

March 4, 2008




Modeling Task Force




It is apparent across the schemas that Propert (element) names are not consistent. This is an issue to be assigned to the MTF WG.

An example of this is "terminationDate", which for CDS is named "scheduledTerminationDate".

My proposal is property (element) names be made globally consistent.


  • matthew

    03/06/08 11:46 pm

    One possibility is a consistent global simple type, even if the property names vary.

    A consistent global simple type would allow me to write:
    //node(*, TerminationDate) to find all the termination dates whatever their names.

  • iyermakova

    09/15/08 2:39 pm

    Discussed at MTF 12-SEP-2008 meeting: The MTF doesn’t feel that any action is required, as the names were chosen to be compatible with ISDA documentation.

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