FpML Issues Tracker

723: disjoint rule for routingId

May 28, 2008




Validation Rules




A new rule is needed to ensure routingIds are unique within RoutingIds.

The new rule is: " shared-24 (Mandatory) Context: RoutingIds(complex type) Rule: routingId must be unique. The equivalence test is to compare the value of routingId and (if it exists) routingId/@routingIdCodeScheme. Comment: Each routingId is unique within a set of routing Ids. "


  • matthewdr

    06/03/08 1:31 pm

    Agreed at VWG. Marc Gratacos to implement. The equivalence test will be represented as a function at Marc Gratacos’s request.

  • lyteck

    07/07/08 2:29 pm

    fixed as proposed (using new specs format)

  • matthewdr

    08/12/08 5:05 pm

    Rejecting the resolution. Routings must not have the same routingIds. The rule says they must.

  • lyteck

    08/20/08 3:37 pm

    implemented as follows:

    modified comment: Each routing Id must be unique. The routingIdCodeScheme is part of the RoutingId uniqueness check.

    modified rule definition: Each routingId must be unique.

  • matthew

    08/20/08 7:37 pm

    Closing after reviewing the resolution.

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