FpML Issues Tracker

729: Invalid test case invalid-ird-38-00.xml does not validate against schema

May 30, 2008




Validation Rules




The invalid test case for ird-32 (invalid-ird-38-00.xml) does not validate against the schema

details: Validation error on line 135 column 43 of invalid-ird-38-00.xml: XTTE1510: The content of element is incomplete. Expected one of: finalStub, initialStub


  • matthewdr

    06/03/08 1:25 pm

    Agred at VWG that ISDA will fix this.

  • lyteck

    06/03/08 6:15 pm

    added to to make test case schema valid.

  • h_mcallister

    06/04/08 7:01 pm

    This example was invalidated by a schema change introduced in the latest draft.

    Formerly, stubCalculationPeriodAmount had content model:
    (calculationPeriodDatesReference, initialStub?, finalStub?), so the test case was valid (no obligation to produce either Stub)

    Under the recent change, the content model becomes:
    (calculationPeriodDatesReference, (initialStub, final Stub?)|finalStub), enforcing the existence of at-least-one-of [initial|final]Stub

  • matthewdr

    06/05/08 12:50 pm

    Harry – thanks for this. From your feedback it looks like rule ird-38 can be removed. Lets discuss this at the next VWG meeting.

  • mgratacos

    06/17/08 8:09 am

    This rule was already deprecated in version 4.4.

    I have also removed the test case invalid-ird-38-00.xml to avoid any confusion.

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