FpML Issues Tracker

762: Loan position structures lack ‘current-as-of-when’ information

July 8, 2008








"Position" structures (loanContract-, facilityCommitment-) containing current- and prior-Amount components, without an explicit value date or event identifier which would allow the consumer to determine current-as-of-when - confusion between event notification and historical record

Harry McAllister (BNPParibas)


  • katirabh

    07/08/08 10:28 pm

    The facility commitment position record is relative to the underlying associated business event (it cannot be transmitted independently). The business event has an effective date. The facility commitment position describes the lender position values pre- and post- the business event.

    There can obviously be multipole business events in a single day; introduction of a date within the facility commitment position may increase confusion. The anchor point of what the position was/is should be a business event and not a date.

    Let’s discuss.

  • lyteck

    10/03/18 10:42 am

    I will close this decade old issue which pertained to version 4.4. Feel free to reopen if still an issue.


    Lyteck/The FpML Team

  • lyteck

    10/03/18 10:43 am

    assigned / already closed

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