FpML Issues Tracker

766: Loan rules ln-7, ln-8, and ln-9 assume component ordering

July 8, 2008








In other products we have changed the rules so allow components to be in any order.

Andrew Jacobs


  • katirabh

    07/08/08 11:02 pm

    In these rules we are trying to establish a contiguous schedule. For a schedule definition we would have to maintain a certain ordering for sub elements.

    Are there any potential alternatives for describing a schedule…?

  • matthewdr

    08/12/08 1:42 pm

    ln-8 is being fixed. We also need to fix ln-7 and ln-9.

  • matthewdr

    08/26/08 1:17 pm

    Agreed at the VWG to copy the pattern agreed for ln-8.

  • lyteck

    08/26/08 6:46 pm

    implemented ln-7 and ln-9 based on ln-8 pattern:

    ln-7 (Mandatory)
    Context: InterestAccrualSchedule (complex type)
    Every $startDate in $interestAccrualSchedule/interestRatePeriod[startDate > min($interestAccrualSchedule/interestRatePeriod/startDate)]/startDate satisfies $startDate – xs:dayTimeDuration(“P1D”) = $interestAccrualSchedule/interestRatePeriod/endDate.
    Comment: Each interestRatePeriod except the first, starts 1 day after any other interestRatePeriod

    ln-9 (Mandatory)
    Context: InterestAccrualSchedule (complex type)
    Every $startDate in $interestAccrualSchedule/interestAccrualPeriod[startDate > min($interestAccrualSchedule/interestAccrualPeriod/startDate)]/startDate satisfies $startDate – xs:dayTimeDuration(“P1D”) = $interestAccrualSchedule/interestAccrualPeriod/endDate.
    Comment: Each interestAccrualPeriod except the first, starts 1 day after any other interestAccrualPeriod

    !!!!! Re: ln-8 condition: Please explain [MultipleLenderLoanContractPeriod(.)]

    That element does not exist.

    Same applies to conditions created for ln-7,9

  • matthewdr

    08/27/08 12:27 pm

    MultipleLenderLoanContractPeriod() is a function not an element. You can tell it is a function beause of the brackets at the end of it.

    The function is missig and needs addding.

  • matthewdr

    08/27/08 12:28 pm

    Assigned to Lyteck to add the missing function definition.

  • lyteck

    08/27/08 1:22 pm

    Does it still make sense to implement these functions when they are only used once?

    MultipleLenderLoanContractPeriod() ln-8
    MultipleInterestRatePeriod() ln-7
    MultipleInterestAccrualPeriod() ln-9

    we could simply say:


    this way readers don’t have to refer to another definition.

  • matthewdr

    08/27/08 2:05 pm

    I agree to remove the functions. They were added in the original proposal and I couldn’t see the need for them then.

  • lyteck

    08/27/08 2:28 pm

    implemented as proposed.

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