FpML Issues Tracker

844: ird-31 uses the term “contains” differently to its definition

September 17, 2008




Validation Rules




ird-31 uses the term "contains" differently to its definition. The rule should be changed to use terms as defined.

The rule today: " ird-31 (Mandatory) Context: CalculationPeriod (complex type) Must contain unadjustedEndDate and/or adjustedEndDate. "

The proposal: " ird-31 (Mandatory) Context: CalculationPeriod (complex type) unadjustedEndDate exists or adjustedEndDate exists. "


  • lyteck

    09/30/08 8:39 pm

    agreed that contains was incorrectly used instead of exists.

    Is it intentionally stated as “and/or”?

    fixed as:

    ird-31 (Mandatory)
    Context: CalculationPeriod (complex type)
    unadjustedEndDate exists and/or adjustedEndDate exists.

    fixed related ird-30 as well:

    ird-30 (Mandatory)
    Context: CalculationPeriod (complex type)
    unadjustedStartDate exists and/or adjustedStartDate exists.

  • matthewdr

    10/01/08 1:54 pm

    The correct business logic is “or”. The correct constraint is:

    The proposal:

    ird-31 (Mandatory)
    Context: CalculationPeriod (complex type)
    unadjustedEndDate exists or adjustedEndDate exists.

    Using “and/or” is incorrect logic and undefined.

  • lyteck

    10/03/08 7:00 pm

    ird-30, ird-31: changed “and/or” to “or”

  • matthewdr

    10/07/08 5:00 pm

    Closing following testing.

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