FpML Issues Tracker

908: Substitute ‘Term’ for a reference to specific schedule

January 28, 2009




Modeling Task Force




Issue reported by Matthew Rawlings VWG 2009-01-27:

The value 'T' (term) within the PeriodEnum is business correct, but I believe the XSD isn't. TERM isn't really a period, but a reference to a period elsewhere. A schema change to make that clear would help greatly. I would define an Interval as a choice of a specific duration in D, W, M, Y, or a reference to a specific schedule using an xs:IDREF. At the moment the connection between term and schedule is guessable most of the time, but isn't captured anywhere in the schema or data. There must be a function to expand an Interval based on a Term with an Interval based on on the Term's underlying schedule.

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