FpML Issues Tracker

1231: Master Agreement Types

February 19, 2016



Have not tried

Coding Scheme




Is there a definitive guide as to which industry standard agreements come under each of the defined types in http://www.fpml.org/coding-scheme/master-agreement-type-3-0.xml ?

The ISDA ones are obvious but where do you draw the line between Other and Bespoke? Same for some of the French agreements. Which are “FBF”, which are “Other”?


  • lyteck

    05/16/18 4:37 pm


  • lyteck

    10/03/18 10:37 am

    Hello, apologies in the delay in replying to this.

    In the masterAgreementScheme there is only a value for “Bespoke”.

    • If your master agreement is none of the other values then I would use “Bespoke”.
    • If you believe a new master agreement(s) should be added to the coding scheme, please feel free to make a proposal
      • I think that would be the preferred solution (add new master agreements) over adding some “Other” code to distinguish between “Bespoke” and “Other”.

    I hope this helps.

    I will close the issue for now but feel free to reopen if this is still an issue.

    Again apologies for the late reply. We will make sure to respond/acknowledge in a timely fashion (< 1 week) going forward.

    Lyteck / The FpML Team

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